Sorry this chapter has taken so long to get out. The holidays were crazy and my favorite cheerleader hasn't been pushing me. (I love you Lil!)

When Castiel opens his eyes, he is confused by the light. As he tries to remember what happened last night, he is immobilized by the sudden searing pain reaching out from his head through the rest of his body. He thinks he is screaming but he can't hear anything over the high frequency ringing that seems to reverberate within his skull. His vision is going black at the edges as cold hands suddenly touch his bare back.

"Breathe Cassie!" The voice sounds distant but Castiel takes several gasping breaths until Balthazar comes into focus. He concentrates on taking slow, deep breaths until the blurry edge of his vision clear completely.

"I had a... lesson... last night, yes?"

"What the hell does Mother do to you in there?"

"If I knew, I would have told you every other time you asked."

"I know Cassie. It's just frustrating."

Castiel looks at his hands for a moment, willing his tears back.

"Do... Do you still want to share that pie?" Balthazar asks quietly.


"Yeah that dessert you made las... You know what? I'll just go grab it." He watches his step-brother leave quickly. Castiel moves to sit on the edge of his cot. As his feet touch the cool, wooden planks of the attic floor, the door opens. A mouth watering smell fills the room. He watches the older boy cut out a slice, the gooey center oozing out as he transfers it to a plate.

"This looks like one of the foods from that dessert book you got me last summer! I had the page marked. Apple pie. I planned on making..." Sharp pain shoots through his skull. He feels Balthazar take the plate as he drops it to clutch at the electrical storm reeking havoc behind his eyes. The ringing is back. No, he's screaming again.

"Cassie! Shh, Cassie. Don't piss of Anna; she'll tell Mum." He reels himself in and focuses on breathing for the second time that morning. "That's it. Keeping breathing. In.....and out.....In..... and out."

"I just want this to stop." He whispers quietly through his tear stained face.

"I know, Brother. I know."


"Mother!" Anna's voice grates on Castiel's nerves as she moves through the house yelling. "MOTHER!"

"What?!" Naomi's shrill tone eventually answers from somewhere down the hall.

"We got a notice! From the palace!"

"Bring it here then. We shall read it together." Anna slips into the master bedroom. Castiel makes his way down the hall with his mop to listen in.

"...So Balthy can go too! 'All eligible men and women shall attend and share one dance with the Crowning Prince.' Sounds like the prince is quite the whore."

"Annael. That will be your future husband or brother-in-law." Pause. "But I agree. I remember when the law passed for same gender marriages. It's rumored that King John only permitted it because his eldest was found in a compromising position with another man." Naomi laughs. "Castiel. It is rude to eavesdrop on conversations that don't apply to you."

"Annael said, 'All eligible men and women' so I believe I do qualify." He says stepping into the room.

"You are just a child. Law says you need to be 18 to attend these things."

"And I reached my 20th year this previous August. Anna is younger than I by nearly a year so if she is of age, one can infer that I, myself, have reached such a milestone."

Naomi waves a hand in dismissal, "You don't have anything to wear, and you have work to do around the house."

"Can I make a proposal?" He pauses, waiting for her acknowledgement. She nods and he continues, "If I can complete all of my duties and find something substantial enough to wear to the palace, will you permit me in attending?"

She folds her hands in a contemplating manner. Castiel holds his breath as she seems to consider the terms. "Very well Castiel. If you complete everything as well as put a palace ready outfit together, you may go."

"Thank you Mistress Naomi." He bows slightly and turns to leave.

As soon as Castiel steps into the hall he hears, "Mother! You can't let him go. He'll ruin my chances with his ugliness and stupidity!"

Naomi laughs, "My dear girl, I said if." Castiel can still hear their combined laugher as he makes his way back up to his room.

So I mentioned it before but I am sorry how long this is taking. The custody battle isn't looking good for me or my sweet babies. THEIR DAD HASN'T EVEN VISITED THEM THIS NEW YEAR YET! But the judge likes him. Because he is "Military." Army reserves is not really Military. He does Physical Training ONCE A MONTH and that's all. I don't want my precious boys to have to grow up knowing his abuse and bigoted views. Anyway, I hoped yah'll liked this chapter. I am starting the next one. Hopefully it will be out soon. Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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