I made sure to lock the door and now we were on our way to the Monocle cafe down the street. It was cold out and silently dark, Deku and I were walking alone together.

I pulled him violently closer to me.

'Kaachan! if you keep yanking on my hoodie, you'll eventually tear it.' he kicked me in the shin, it was fucking painful mate.

'Mother fucker!' I let out.

I pulled his hair and held his waist in place, I pulled him close to me and my body felt the the excitement rush through.

His cheeks were soft and his freckles were perfectly symmetrical. I wanted to run my hand across his face and k-

'HEYY DEKU!' a strong voice was heard outside the cafe. Deku pushed me away taking my hand and following Uraka bitch and the others in the cafe.


Shitty hair, Big tits, small tits, Uraka bitch and Ida were sitting with us. I felt really out of place and just wanted to go back home with Deku to watch some anime.

Everyone was chatting so I decided to just sit there silently until we order our food. The waitress stands there with her note and pen and waited for everyone's order.

'I'll have some strawberry shortcake, please.' Uraka orders.

'I'm gonna grab a-ah... Some rice?' Shitty hair orders.

'I would love to try out some of that new ice cream on the poster right there. Is it Vanilla?' Ida orders.

Deku and the rest don't order anything.

'Oi Bakugou! You're dressed nicely, how come?' Shitty hair comments.

'BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT!' I said back and received a few stares from the restaurant.

'I'm so glad that you and Bakugou are becoming good friends again? How did ye's make up?' Momo chats up with Deku, that little bitch wants to know everything huh.

'Simple, I apologized.' I said, coming into the conversation. Everyone looked over at me and let out a 'HUh?!'

'Bakugou apologizing? Maybe when pigs fly...' Little tits laughs off.

Uraka bitch scootched over closer to Deku. I knew from the first fucking move that'll I'll actually lose my shit if she keeps being physical now.

I felt a need to protect shitty Deku with his shitty problems and his shitty self. But I could also see that Deku was being happy, that's enough to stop me from worrying.

Isn't he the one that supposed to be looking after me? Why was I worries about him?

'Hey Deku, come with me to the restroom.' Kirishima left his seat as did Deku to the restroom.

This was really suspicious.

Ida was the only one who seemed normal and pushed aside like me. The rest of the girls, little and big tits were surrounding Uraka bitch.

She seemed flustered when they whispered to each other. Fuck, I think any idiot would fucking understand what is going on here.

Ururaka planned this night to confess her dumb love to Deku.

Kirishima came back alone. He leaned over to me and whispered, 'Leave Deku here, Ururaka is about to tell Deku she likes him.'

I stood up from the seat and bolted out of there before I would break anything. I was annoyed, I don't want Deku to date that bitch. He's too good for her now that I know him.

'Hey! Bro! You okay? What's with that tense face?' Kirishima patted me.

I bit and sucked my upper lip. 'Nothing.' I replied.

'Woah there. You sound really calm, that doesn't mean good news...' Shitty hair noticed. I lit up a cigarette and watched as Ururaka and the tit bitches came out of the cafe.

She was smiling so I knew well what Deku said.

I took a drag of my cigarette and waited impatiently for him. Kirishima was staring at me blankly and didn't know why the fuck I wasn't in a good mood.

'Uh, bro. If there's something going on. You can tell me y'know?' he added.

'Yeah. Okay. Good night.' I walk off when I saw Deku come out, he ran up to me and caught up.

BakuSitting - •Bakugou x Midoriya•Where stories live. Discover now