Chapter 17: "The Spark"

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She slept profoundly that night. The euphoria of building and using the dual saber, the rigorous training, and extensive force use combined into the perfect recipe for a good night's sleep. It helped too that she and Ben opened the force bond so they could stay connected from their seperate rooms. Rey knew she had slept past breakfast, so she was surprised to find a flurry of activity in Ben's conference room. She snuck in quietly and tucked herself into a back corner, hoping no one would notice. The reason for the prolonged meeting was activity from the First Order. Caulder was explaining that even though the Oblivion no longer communicated with the First Order, they could receive some mass communications. The latest was an order to the fleet that accompanied the Finalizer to be ready to reposition around Onderon as soon as Supreme Leader Hux had returned from Silbatta. Today was likely to be the last day they would have to prepare for battle. The tension was palpable, it was as if everyone sensed the extreme importance of this one encounter and what its outcome would mean. The generals -Ben had titled all the Resistance leaders as such- were reporting in turn on their levels of readiness. Rey was impressed by how organized everything was. Ben had generals in charge of the tie fighters, generals leading the reinforcements sent by Resistance supporters, generals tasked with the Oblivion, and so on. It was a discussion with one of those in charge of the Oblivion that shocked everyone into silence.

Ben asked, "How are the evacuation arrangements progressing?"

"All transports are in good working order and there is sufficient capacity for the entirety of the crew of the Oblivion."

"Good. How soon can they begin departing?"

Before the addressed general could answer, another spoke from the hushed crowd.

"What do you mean, evacuation? We're about to go to war with the FIRST BLOODY ORDER! You don't really mean to send the majority of our combatants away, do you?"

Ben looked into the crowd of bewildered faces.

"When the fleet arrives and finds the Oblivion still functioning, this ship will become their primary target, whether they deduce that I am aboard or not. I only require it to stay functioning long enough to provide cover while we board the Finalizer. Since it is nearly unavoidable that the Oblivion will be destroyed, there is no reason for the majority of this company to be aboard. A crew to run command here, and pilots for the tie fighter force is all that will be required to make our stand in orbit. Those left will use the escape pods the minute we confirm arrival on the Finalizer."

Caulder was the first to recover. "Primary Command can run with 6 people. Especially...if we have Rey."

Ben shook his head patiently. "Rey and Finn are with me. We will be boarding the Finalizer as quickly as possible."

"You're stripping the Oblivion of its compliment and relieving us of our only force users?

Fear and despair rose like toxic fumes around them. Ben raised a quieting hand.

"It's more involved than that. For one thing, the body of the Oblivion will be evacuated planet side. Rather than being released from duty, they will occupy base and prepare to subdue the compliment inhabiting the Finalizer, as I intend to cause a mass evacuation there as soon as we board. Rey, Finn, and I will be the most efficient boarding team, and should the worst happen, the greater part of the Resistance will still be alive."

They had all been expecting Ben to be more cavalier with Rebel lives, and Rey couldn't help but snicker to herself as amazement replaced their doubt. It reminded her of conversations with Leia, the way she always managed to surprise Rey by being so unpredictable. There were no more objections after that, and once more detailed instructions had been given, the meeting started to break up. Rey tried to stay, but Ben sent her out, telling her she couldn't come back until she had eaten. She noticed Poe was ahead of her, so she caught up to walk beside him. He seemed preoccupied, but not unfriendly, so Rey took the opportunity to talk to him.

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