Chapter 12 "Carida"

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The stop on Carida would take 2 weeks. Captain Golst had made a schedule for the crew to get some shore leave, but strict guidelines had to be followed. There was literally a seminar held detailing a code of conduct. Every person going off ship had to adhere to First Order dress code, hours of signing in and out of the dock, and absolutely no discussion of Resistance business. In fact, discussing just about anything was pretty much off limits. The basic rule for going planet side was: Enjoy terra firma, keep your head down and your mouth shut.

Rey didn't have to worry about it, she wouldn't see land on this trip. Captain Golst and Leia had been apologetic, but the fact was she was too recognizable. Her and Finn had received the news together. Even if suitably disguised, the rebel heroes who took down Star Killer base would likely be noticed. Leia and Chewy were similarly confined. Besides a desire to experience more of the galaxy, Rey wasn't terribly disappointed. She hadn't been ship side long enough to get cabin fever. There was still so much of the Star Destroyer that she hadn't seen. She had no idea where Rose worked or what assignment Poe had. Finn was more crestfallen, having spent most of his life in space, but he channeled his disappointment into developing technique with the force. They used the extra time to perfect their teamwork. They got used to each other's style, and Finn had become proficient at not only reading Rey's cues, but transmitting his own input. They could effectively battle the hardest training sims while taking minimal damage. Rey's training sessions with Ben continued as usual, but with a more open atmosphere. Though the training was always formal, it was too much to ask that they be completely reserved when so much had been shared between them. Rey continued to be amazed at how much there was to learn. There were so many different methods and avenues of using the force. As soon as she felt like she was mastering one feature, she would learn she had only scratched the surface. Still her confidence grew. Ben's teaching was always supportive, so she threw herself wholeheartedly into each lesson. And each night they discussed the work Ben was doing to rehabilitate the First Order. Rey would fall asleep picturing a galaxy finally healed of its dreadful illness.

Trouble came about 4 days before they were scheduled to depart. Shore leave was rotating around the clock to accommodate the massive crew. The group that went out just before morning did not check in at the appointed time. Not one of the 60 crew members who had signed out had returned. A security team was sent out to investigate and the ship quickly lost contact with them as well. After the second security team went silent without a single report as to what was happening, the ship went on lockdown. Rey was on her way to Command when it happened. Security team members flew past her in the hall and a six member guard was stationed outside of Command. The announcement was yet to be made, but Rey could feel the tension. Caulder was absent from their work station. Rey initiated some basic protocols, but felt directionless without Caulder. She looked around, noticing that only half the technicians were at their stations. The whole feel of the room was off, and so Rey approached Captain Golst, though he looked especially occupied.

"Captain, is Caulder coming in today? He isn't ill, is he?"

Captain Golst mumbled something about shore leave but wouldn't meet her eye. Abruptly he turned and busied himself at another station. Rey plodded back to her own just as the Captain tapped into the ship wide com and delivered the news. It was an intentionally vague report about a security threat that was being investigated and so effective immediately the ship was being put on lockdown. Rey was shocked. Hadn't the captain just said there were still crew members out on shore leave? How could they go into lockdown without boarding the rest of the crew?

Not long after the official announcement, Leia entered to speak with Captain Golst.
They consulted in hushed tones that were nearly inaudible. Something was nagging at the back of Rey's mind... something Finn had read to her from the Jedi Texts... or was it just a fragment she had plucked from Ben's mind? Her command post forgotten, Rey stretched out with the force and tapped into the conversation. At first it was just snippets.

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