Chapter 15 "Divided"

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Ben brooded in his room like a chastised teenager. He couldn't imagine what was currently transpiring between Rey and his mother, and waiting was killing him. He flexed his hands and pressed fists into his knees in an effort to control his nervousness. He was horrified at his own reaction. Years of rushing head first into conflict, of throwing himself at death dealing situations without hesitation, but one awkward reunion with his estranged mother, and he fled like a coward. He should have said something! Anything! Instead he left Rey to try to explain to the leader of the Resistance why she was intimately involved with the Supreme Leader of the First Order. What if Rey was suspected of treachery, even accused of being an agent of the First Order? He couldn't stomach sitting, doing nothing. Just as he got up, his thoughts were startlingly interrupted by someone at his door. For a moment, Ben was at a loss; he could hardly believe that someone would risk disturbing the Supreme Leader in his personal chambers. Then the sudden realization that this must be a matter of extreme importance struck him and he hurried to the door. A man and woman, both members of his personal staff, stood without looking pale. 

"Supreme Leader, we apologize for the intrusion, but it was unavoidable. We've been monitoring the student missions. Most have already reported in, but the group assigned to Onderon... they landed and were attempting to set up base camp when we received a com...they had encountered what they believed to be a legion of insurgents, and... we lost contact shortly afterwards and have been unable to reestablish a connection. We are unable to confirm, but we are afraid they have been attacked by a hostile force and we are requesting permission to send in a company of storm troopers to assist.."

"Prepare the company. Give the coordinates for Onderon to Command and instruct them to jump to light speed immediately. Ready my ship, I will escort them personally."

Before they could respond, Ben closed the door and hurriedly dressed. Inside of an hour the company was assembled in the docking bay and they were being briefed on the situation. Hux was noticeably absent, so Ben sent him a hasty com, left instructions for his staff, and supervised boarding. They departed immediately. 

I'm sorry, Rey, I can't be with you tonight

Ben thought out. And he knew she heard him. 


Rey was finishing her own preparations when she felt Ben's message to her. He wouldn't be there tonight. Rey was concerned about what could have called him away, but she was so exhausted from the events of the day that she couldn't spare it much consideration. She flopped on her bunk and drifted off to sleep, thinking how small her room felt. The time indicator sounded much too early. Rey groaned, wishing she could stay where she was. But the details of the task ahead and the look of urgency on Captain Golst's face prodded her out of bed. All the arrangements had been made the night before, she needed only to bathe, change clothes and gather some personal items. She met Chewie in the docking bay on time. There was no one to see them off, only a handful of people even knew where they were going and why. Rey had requested that Leia inform Finn of their whereabouts and the reason she was going alone. Soon they were leaving the Oblivion behind and jumping to light speed, following the coordinates Mala had relayed.


Tal watched from an out of the way corner of the docking bay as the Millennium Falcon departed. He fidgeted. Damn, just the two of them? He knew the Oblivion itself wouldn't respond to the call, but he had assumed the Captain and Leia would send a battalion, especially with the threat of the big bad First Order about to swoop down on their precious little turncoats. Tal sniffed. Well, it really didn't matter how many were on board and how many were off ship. His job was still the same. He stole away and sent confirmation to General Hux. The response was quick, everything was going according to plan on the Finalizer. Time to move on to phase two.

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