Chapter 6 "Expanding Horizons"

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Ben woke from a fitful sleep, wrapped nearly to the point of strangulation in the bedsheets. He took his time getting ready, luxuriating in the shower. No one would be up early after last night's celebration. He wrapped himself in a robe of Gamesian silk and called for the attendant. The man appeared almost instantaneously and gave him a respectful bow.

"What time will breakfast be served?"

"Your host, the most congenial Count Aire'on, has been conducting interviews with regard to last night's unpleasantness since early this morning. I have instructions to summon him to join you at your leisure."

Ben nodded morosely. "Interviews" meant torturing information out of anyone that could even be remotely connected with the would be assassin. Though the man outfitted with the bomb was the only one to die last night; there were probably numerous casualties associated with the incident now.

"Very well. Bring the kaf service here and notify the kitchen and my host I will be there presently."

"Of course, Supreme Leader."

Breakfast featured regional fruits that were not suitable for transport off planet and therefore delicacies. There were also assorted pastries, breads and some kind protein that resembled congealed slime. Ben picked at his dish just enough to please his host. Count Aire'on had come to breakfast energetic and smug. He talked of the progress that had been made in investigating the assassin. He blathered on about the young man being from a disgraced family, the incident thought to be a solitary act rather than precipitated by a terrorist faction, every effort being made, etc, etc. Ben was only interested as far as was politically necessary. He was leaving this system today and was eager to get back to his ship where he could consider the larger issue of what to do with force sensitives cropping up around the galaxy. When his host finally took a breath Ben assured him that he was satisfied with his efforts, and that the final report could be transmitted to his ship.

"Supreme Leader, are you planning on departing so soon?"

"Formal ceremonies have ended. I have much to do in furthering the interests of the First Order that cannot be accomplished over picnics and cocktails."

Count Aire'on rankled at the comment but offered no further argument.

Ben stood to leave, "I would like to give a formal farewell to Ambassador Vory for her assistance to me during my stay. See that she is sent to my accomadations after breakfast."

His host was quick to follow. "But Supreme Leader, Ambassador Vory is being held for questioning regarding last night's disruption."

This surprised Ben greatly. "What? Why is she suspect?"

Count Aire'on seemed confused. "Was it not at her suggestion that your Knights and personal guard were left behind during the gala?"

Ben advanced on his host. "I was told that it would be an honor to entrust you with my safety."

The Count floundered a bit. "Traditionally, that has been our custom, but with the appointment of a new Supreme Leader, of course, safety is of primary concern."

Ben regarded his host angrily. He wanted to tell this ridiculous man that the reason he listened to the ambassador's advice was because he could see there was no deception in her. But if the darkening red spots on the cuffs of his host's sleeves were any indication, it was likely the damage had already been done. Ben stormed back to his room without another word. His tension didn't begin to ease until the shuttle had docked and his ship was pulling away from Silbatta.


Rey and Finn continued the simple training for some time. For Finn, using the force was like strengthening a weak muscle. It was taking time and practice. There came a point where both of them tired and the lesson came to end. Opening their eyes, they said in unison,

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