"Woah woah woah, dude yaint fired. I was actually just gonna hired my buddy to work with you. I actually think you'd get along well with him."

"Oh, okay." Connor redid his apron and put on his hat again. "Uh, thanks man." Connor said.

"No prob!"

~ ~ ~

Word travels fast between the people of Taco Hell. Within an hour everyone was buzzing about that fact there was going to be a new worker. No one knew who it was but they were all excited. All they knew was that Spencer knew them, which could be a blessing or a curse, and that he was also a highschooler.

Then, the day had come. The workers gathered once again in the dining area. Patiently awaiting the new arrival. Spencer had told them that they were arriving from their school and that everyone should be nice to him because he's pretty socially awkward.

Then as everyone was chatting and just enjoying the atmosphere the bell above the entrance rang and in stepped Spencer and some guy about the same height as him who was blindfolded. Then, within a blink of an eye Spencer had simultaneously removed the blindfold and loudly exclaimed "Welcome Alec to Taco Hell!" Alec looked around, eyeing his surroundings and taking it all in. "Well, I have to say Spencer. It certainly looks like a Taco Bell!"

"Alec! I told you in the car. We only refer to his place as Taco Hell!"

"Oh, sorry again." Alec looked down at his feet looked to be hiding behind Spencer like a nervous child. "Dude, go introduce yourself to everyone!" Spencer gave Alec a gentle nudge towards his coworkers. "Hi, well I'm Alec. I go to school with Spencer and I'd love to get to know who I'm working with."

"That'll be Connor over there. You two will be working the afternoon shift." Alec turned to Connor and the two gazed at each other. Taking in the appearance of one another while Connor mentally cursed at himself for forgetting to shower the second day in a row. "So, now that everyone knows about the 'mystery' coworker I expect we all get back to working dudeskis!"

"I swear to god it's almost everyday we have these five minute meetings for nothing." Bryan mumbled on his way out.

~ ~ ~

Connor was gonna be honest here. He could appreciate someone who took care of their looks, and Alec was one of those people. He had soft flowing sandy hair styled in a quiff and was wearing a chic jean jacket dressed in maybe four or five patches. Alec clearly knew what he looked like and how to uphold his appearance to its highest potential. Connor thought he was easy on the eye and guessed that some holy being had finally shined luck unto him to bring this amazing human into his life. He wasn't like his other coworkers. He was soft-spoken but at the same time knew what he wanted and how to get it. Connor didn't understand how this guy who had hid behind Spencer on their first meeting now would strut around the store and so comfortably talk to customers. It was as if he was a completely different person. Sure, he looked the same, but the new-found confidence was welcoming and made Connor feel proud that Alec was finally opening up to him.

"Hey Connor!" Alec waltzed into the store once again as Connor was spraying himself in deodorant. "Oh.. Hey to you too!" Connor threw the deodorant can in a random direction and flailed around until he stood upright. "Why do you smell like a Bath & Body Works exploded on you?" Alec chuckled at his own joke and started to hang up his jacket and put on his Taco Hell apron. "I don't know. Might've just accidently grabbed my sister's shirt in the laundry and ran out of the house without realizing it." Alec nodded and sat down on the counter facing Connor. "So.. you live with your family?"

"Yea, don't you? Aren't you seventeen?"

"Well, I am. But, I have a roommate and my parent let me leave early. Probably sick of me and my ways."

"Whaddya mean?" Alec smirked.

"Only time will tell." Just as he said that a customer walked in and Alec hopped off the counter, twirling around and did his normal routine of smiling, taking the customer's order, and then shouting at Connor to make said order and then getting pay for his work. Do what you have to do and then repeat. It was as simple as that and Alec was good at doing what's needed.

~ ~ ~

"Another good shift huh?" Connor asked. "Yea... Hey can I ask you something." A true sentence would be that Connor and Alec had great chemistry. If you asked Connor why, he wouldn't be able to tell you. However Alec would give you a different story, if you could even coax out what that story was. But, it was nice to finally have someone who you could easily talk too. Even if you've only known them for about a week. They've laughed at eachother and told each other all the stories they could think of. They showed each other entertaining videos off of YouTube and cried laughing about their favorite 'cursed images' of hedgehogs where their needles are replaced by cheetos or long furbies. It was clear they had connected and their relations to each other were moving fast. But they didn't care. Fast was one of the only ways to go for Alec, and Connor was just happy to tag along. "Anyway, my question. Can I have your phone number?"

"Oh yea, sure." Alec pulled out his phone and allowed Connor to punch in his number. When done Alec immediately texted Connor a morphed photo of Pac-Man with sharp teeth and glowing eyes and a flower crown badly photoshopped unto it. Connor giggled and saved the photo to his camera roll. "Well, see you tomorrow." Then before Connor could turn around Alec had wrapped his arm around him and pulled him into a hug. Surprisingly to Connor, instead of pulling away he hugged Alec back enjoying the newfound comfort he felt with Alec. "Bye Connor."

~ ~ ~

Spencer was worried. Alec barely talked to him in school anymore. He was always texting someone and paid no attention to Spencer, or anyone for that matter. Did he hate Spencer for roping him into this job? Did Spencer do something to offend him? Thoughts like this circled his head and truly led him to believed he'd somehow pissed Alec off. Now, Spencer was one of the most confrontational people you'll ever meet... when he was intimidated by the person he was confronting. Alec wasn't someone you'd think was intimidating, but there was something about his confidence that only his friends got to see that really felt those around him feel inferior. Alec never did it on purpose or used it to his advantage, nor did he even know about his power for that matter. But, it was a thing and it stopped Spencer from asking Alec what he'd done. So, he did the only thing he could do.

They were sitting in the lunchroom of their school. Spencer munching down on a sandwich while Alec was texting away and slowly nibbling away at a vine of grapes. "Alec, I need to tell you something."

"Mmph..." Alec was still texting whomever, pausing only to throw away the vine when he was done.

"Alec, can you, for like one secomundo put down the phone and look at me."

"Sure." Alec said with a small giggle. He shoved the phone into his jacket pocket and looked Spencer right into his eyes. "You need to do the initiation."

"The wha-"

"The initiation. Every new worker has to do it."

"Is it like a hazing?"

"Just meet me five o'clock, parking lot. Chill?"

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