Don't Flip Out

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Deku's POV

Uraraka is really nice, like really, really nice. She complimented my jeans saying they were in style and laughed when I told her I ripped from falling off my bike. I laughed along like I was joking. She even helped me get to all of my classes, that was nice.

"... Izuku? Earth to Izuku," Uraraka waved her hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry. Its just that I was thinking about how nice you were today," I smiled at her.

Her face turned red, was she hot? It was a warm day after all.

She rubbed the back of her neck, "Thanks Izuku. So you have anywhere to be after school?"

I thought about it and I had my bike and a free schedule, "No."

She smiled, "Do you want to hang out with me after school?"

"Like friends do?"

She looked confused, "Yeah?"

I almost cried, "I haven't had a friend in a while, so this'll cool."

Uraraka squished my face, "Oh M Gosh. You're so cute Izuku," her face fell, "Oh but wait. I have cheer practice."

I didn't want to see Uraraka disappointed, "It's okay I can wait for you to finish."

She grabbed my hands, "Really?" I nodded.

We heard the last bell ring announcing the end of the day, and I felt Uraraka tug on my sweater pulling me somewhere. She sat me down on a bench and told me she had to go change.

I needed to text my mom

Smol Might: Hey mom can I stay after school today?

Mama Inko: I don't know I won't be home until ten and you don't know the town

Smol Might: Please mom. I made a friend!

Mama Inko: Really sweetie?!? I'm so proud of you! You can stay after but be back before 8.

Mama Inko: Oh and call me when you get home

Smol Might: Thanks mom

I just called Uraraka my friend, I had a friend! Wow!

Speaking of which, Uraraka came back with a bunch of girls all in workout clothes, "Hey Izuku," she turned to the other girls, "That's the boy I was talking about."

I smiled weakly, there was a lot of girls I didn't know, and it was making me nervous, I swallowed, "Hey."

A girl with black hair ran up to me, "Aw how cute." I blushed.

Another girl looked at her, "Momo, don't do that can't you see he's nervous?" she turned to me, "Hi I'm Tsuyu and that's Momo, you must be Izuku?" I nodded. She nodded, and they started to walk away and gestured for me to follow. After walking we were soon at a track parallel to a football field, I glanced at the players, and hoped deep in my soul I wouldn't have to talk to the brutes. I sat down on the bleachers near where all the girls put their bags. I looked up occasionally but mostly I read the manga Uraraka lent me.

Well that's what I was doing until the girls called me over, "Izuku! Could you help us with something?" I walked over nervous, what were they going to have me do?

Momo bent down, "Do you know how to do a flip?" A flip, yeah. I nodded.

She beamed, "Really? Can I use you as an example then?" I looked at her.

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