The Kala Pradarshan

Start from the beginning

They all were sitting at a higher place but were clearly visible for me.

There was an old looking man yet looking as fit to defeat all the princes. He was fair enough and had white beards.

I think he is Bhishma Pitamah!

Near him was a man who looked younger than him but still old. He was wearing a crown which could be of a king. He seemed to be blind by the position of his eyes.

And he is Dhritarashtra, I guess

Beside him, was a beautiful lady who has covered her eyes with a piece of cloth.

She is Gandhari for sure.

A bit distant from her, was another lady who was as beautiful as her but in white saree.

She must be Kunti.

Near her was a man, who I think was Vidura.

Near Dhritarashtra, was another man with an injured leg who was Shakuni.

And there was another lady beside Gandhari, much younger than all of them who I think was Dushala.
Soon the Kala Pradarshan started as the speaker started taking their names as they enter.

First were the Kauravas or specifically , The Sons Of Dhiritarashtra.

"Duryodhana, Dushasana, Vikarna, Yuyutsu, Jalsandha, Sam, Sudushil, Bheembal, Subahu, Sahishnu, Yekkundi, Durdhar, Durmukh, Bindoo, Krup, Chitra, Durmad, Dushchar, Sattva, Chitraksha, Urnanabhi, Chitrabahoo, Sulochan, Sushabh, Chitravarma, Asasen, Mahabahu, Samdukkha, Mochan, Sumami, Vibasu, Vikar, Chitrasharasan, Pramah, Somvar, Man, Satyasandh, Vivas, Upchitra, Chitrakuntal, Bheembahu, Sund, Valaki, Upyoddha, Balavardha, Durvighna, Bheemkarmi, Upanand, Anasindhu, Somkirti, Kudpad, Ashtabahu, Ghor, Roudrakarma, Veerbahoo, Kananaa, Kudasi, Deerghbahu, Adityaketoo, Pratham, Prayaami, Veeryanad, Deerghtaal, Vikatbahoo, Drudhrath, Durmashan, Ugrashrava, Ugra, Amay, Kudbheree, Bheemrathee, Avataap, Nandak, Upanandak, Chalsandhi, Broohak, Suvaat, Nagdit, Vind, Anuvind, Arajeev, Budhkshetra, Droodhhasta, Ugraheet, Kavachee, Kathkoond, Aniket, Kundi, Durodhar, Shathasta, Shubhkarma, Saprapta, Dupranit, Bahudhami, Yuyutsoo, Dhanurdhar, Senanee, Veer, Pramathee and Droodhsandhee"

And soon it was the time for Pandavas.


A tall thin, quite fair man entered. His face was a calm expression as he entered with a spear in his hand.


A taller muscular man enter with a gada in his hand. He had a 'don't angry me' expression.


A man with darker skin than the others enter with a bow in his hand. He was really as handsome as we were told.


A man entered with a sword in his hand. He was the most handsome looking among all his brothers.


Another man entered with a sword. He looked a bit similar to Nakula.

And soon the Kala Pradarshan started and Arjuna was overpowering any one. An old man who was Dronacharya was about to label Arjun as the best archer in the world when...


Everyone looked at the centre of the common men area and saw a man with a bow, he was Karna.

"I am here to challenge Arjun and become the best archer" I said with authority.

"I am ready" Arjun said taking his Gandiva.

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