The blonde man knew that he was nowhere near normal and that he wasn't good at communication. Mike was probably better off without him after all.

The young man sighed as he turned on the bed, closing his eyes to try and fall asleep. This had been an exhausting evening and resting was the only answer to his problems now.

As long as he didn't dream about Mike...


He and Mike were walking down an empty park with their hands intertwined. Mike smiled at him every now and then while Chester tried to hide the deep blush that had spread across his face.

It seemed like the perfect place. No one was near them, the sun was shining brightly and some birds tweeted around. It seemed like they were inside of a cartoon.

"Ches... we should head to your house now, it's gonna be dark soon." Mike said and just as Chester looked up he saw that the sun indeed was going down at an abnormally fast pace.

"Okay." The blonde simply said and Mike turned to him unexpectedly. They were too close and Chester was nervous. If he moved his head, their lips would touch and he wanted that so badly. What was the worst that could happen? There was even the possibility that Mike also liked him so he wouldn't mind a kiss, would he?

With that, he leaned in and grabbed the deliverer's neck, pulling him as close as they could get. But Mike pushed him back harshly. He looked... disgusted, hurt. Chester gulped and didn't know what to do. He had gone too far and now Mike wouldn't want to be near him. Mike hated him.

"What the heck, Chester?! Do you think that just because I'm nice to you it meant that I want to be your boyfriend? What the heck?!" The half Asian shouted, his voice angry. Chester had never heard that tone coming out of him and it scared the blonde. Mike was always calm and comprehensive, understanding, but now he was being explosive and it even reminded Chester of Mark.

He shook his head and shielded himself with his thin arms and he only hoped that Mike would stop coming at him as he stepped back.

The sky got dark and suddenly thunders could be heard, heavy rain started to pour over them and-

With a scream, Chester shot up. His heart racing. Mike had been about to hit him when he woke up, sweat covering his whole body.

The door swiftly opened as Ryan opened the lights and kneeled next to Chester's bed, holding his hand in his. "Ches, I'm here, it's okay, you had a nightmare."

"I-" Chester soon discovered that he was out of breath from the scared he had gotten out of his dream, and he was crying again. The young man wiped his tears off his cheeks, he was tired of crying, tired of shedding tears for Mike. "It's just M-Mike-"

"Is it about what happened tonight?" Ryan asked as he got on his feet and sat on the bed next to Chester, holding his small frame against him. "You can tell me, you know, maybe it will help you."

"It's just... we... everything was going w-well, but t-then I k-kissed him. I was s-so stupid, R-Ryan, he, he d-doesn't f-feel the same way, he h-hates me now and-"

Ryan ran a hand into the blonde man's hair as he nodded.  "I'm sorry, honey, he doesn't know that he's got someone special close to him. You deserve better than Mike, Ches."

"B-but, I..." He gasped as a realization hit him and he buried his head in his friend's neck. "But I'm in love with him, Ryan. I-"

And at that, Ryan held Chester closer to him as he cradled his body into his arms, whispering to him that everything would be okay since he was there for him.

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