"You have ten minutes, sir." The nurse told Chanyeol. He ignored her, and rushed to Baekhyun's side and held his hand. 

"Baekhyun, please listen to me. Please wake up. I swear I heard you talking, Baekhyun. I know that you are still alive. I just need you to listen to me, Baekkie. Wake up. Remember the day when it was your birthday, and you saved my life, because you pushed me, when that truck was going to run over me? That should've been me, Baekhyun. You don't deserve this." Chanyeol sobbed as he layed his head on Baekhyun chest, while holding his hands with Baekhyun. 

Suddenly, Chanyeol felt something. He looked up and saw that Baekhyun's fingers were grasping onto Chanyeol's hands tighter.

"Nurse! Doctor! Someone!" Chanyeols screamed. Two nurses and a doctor came rushing in.

"What happened? What is going on, sir?" The doctor asked Chanyeol. 

"He.. M-my Baek-baekkie... He moved! He moved his hands! I swear!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Oh... That is because Mr. Byun is not dead. Sir, he is in a coma. Like when you are asleep. You are not dead. Your brain is still awake and alive. Mr. Byun is not brain dead, so he is very much alive, but not physically moving. This is normal for people who are in comas." The doctor calmly replied.

"So what you are saying is that, although Baekhyun is alive, he will not ever open his eyes and move again?" Chanyeol began to tear up again. Just then, there were loud rapid beeping noises. 

"What's going on?!" Chanyeol asked.

The doctor ignored him, and the nurses retrieved the doctor supplies. Chanyeol blocked his years and shut his eyes tight, afraid of what was going to happen. Suddenly. there was a long noise that just wentbeeeeeeep. Chanyeol uncovered his ears, and slowly opened his eyes. He saw the nurses tearing up and covering their mouths with their hands. The doctor just shook his head, and bowed his head down. After a few minutes, the doctor turned to Chanyeol sadly.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Park." He softly said. Chanyeol's eyes widened. No, this can't be happening. No no no... Chanyeol began to cry hysterically. After a good few minutes of sobbing, Chanyeol's face turned from crying hysterically, to happy. He faced Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun, isn't the doctor funny? He said that you are going to never wake up. You're just sleeping. I love you, Baekhyun. Have sweet dreams." He kissed Baekhyun's forehead. Chanyeol happily skipped out of the room, and out of the hospital, as the nurses stared strangely at him as he left. 

The Next Day

Word about Baekhyun got around. He even appeared in the newspapers.

Chanyeol's old neighbor, Mr. SooMan Lee, got his daily town paper. On the front cover, there was Chanyeol and Baekhyun at the hospital. 

The headline read, "Tragic Teen Boy's Accident". The article was about how Baekhyun got into the accident, and how he was a mute, and how about his sad, tragic life, and how he will be able to rest in peace now. After Mr. Lee read the article, he rushed to Chanyeol's apartment and found the door open. He looked inside and found Chanyeol talking to the wall. 

"We're going to have the best day ever Baekhyun! Let's go." Chanyeol smiled brightly and skipped right past Mr. Lee, holding hands with no one. 

"Is that boy going crazy?" Mr. Lee mumbled to himself.

Chanyeol skipped all over town buying two ice-cream cones, one for him, and one for "Baekhyun." But of course no one ate the ice-cream, so it just melted in Chanyeol's hands. He would buy flowers for Baekhyun, and Chanyeol would act strange in public.

"He always talks to himself. except his name is Chanyeol, but he keeps talking to someone named Baekhyun." One lady said to her friend. People would talk and point at Chanyeol but he never noticed. 

Chanyeol's parents were also very worried. They knew that Chanyeol had loved Baekhyun very much, and that Baekhyun's death had been very hard on Chanyeol.

"I think it is time we should check him in to a hospital." Chanyeol's father told Chanyeol's mother. Mrs. Park cried, worrying about her son.

So, after a couple of days, Chanyeol was checked into a mental hospital.

"Baekhyun, people say that I am crazy. They say that you aren't alive. Just because you're not talking back to me doesn't mean that you aren't alive. It's always been this way, and I will always love you.

The doctors came in to check on Chanyeol as usual, but this time they came in with Chanyeol's parents.

"Mr. Park, you must come with us. We need to, uh, check on how you are doing." the doctor said. Chanyeol chuckled.

"I may be weird, but I am not stupid. You think I'm crazy don't you? Call mel a psychopath, but I swear the Baekhyun is here. He's right next to me."

"Honey, Baekhyun died a almost a year ago, you have to move on..." Mrs. Park was interrupted.

"How can I move on when he is still alive> HE'S RIGHT HERE! You guys are my parents. How can you not trust me?" Mrs. Park began to cry. The doctor put his hand on Chanyeol's shoulder and gripped it tight.

"Don't touch me!" He slightly shoved him, but Chanyeol pushed him stronger than he meant to, and the doctor crashed into the corner of the room. Chanyeol's eyes widened.

"NO! You just fell on Baekhyun! Stop it! You're hurting him!" He pushed the doctor once more and hugged the ground," Are you okay, Baekkie?" Then security guards came bolting into the room and lifted Chanyeol off the ground.

Chanyeol shoved the security guards but they were too strong.

"Get away from me!" Chanyeol screamed. He tried to escape but he tripped and.. where he was about to fall, was where the open window was. Mrs. Park's eyes widened and screamed,"NO!" She ran to save her son, but everything was in slow motion. Chanyeol's eyes closed as he fell out the large window off the 6th floor(Baekhyun's bday). 

Now I am really falling for you Byun Baekhyun, I love you. 

The Mute Can Sing (ChanBaek) [Originally written by: Shawoltic88]Where stories live. Discover now