Xenomorph Bio + Xia's Bio

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  Scientific name :

- Internecivus raptus[1]

-Linguafoeda acheronsis[2]

Homeworld :

-Xenomorph Prime

Habitat :  


Height :

-6-7.51 ft

Diet : 


Lifespan :  


Sapience Level :  


Behavior : 

- Highly aggressive towards any living lifeforms, usually using stealth tactics to ambush its prey.

Language :

-A series of hisses and shrieks ranging from deep to high.

Reproduction :  

-Through implantation of an endo-parasitic embryo into a living host via facehugger.

Subspecies/Races : 

- K-Series

-Red Alien  

Xia's Bio:








Likes to hunt, observe others, laying in the sun, curling with the young bursters. LOVES cats....


Anyone who dares hurt her or the hive without good reason, old meat, most humans (scientists)


She is a head warrior though not a complete normal  Xenomorph as she is bigger and more intelligent then normal. Plus she is albino with soft almost gold color here and there on her body.


None at the moment


She loves a good hunt, she is a well respected warrior and is also feared among her own for her brutal behavior. She is a very curious xenomorph and has high respects to anyone stronger than her. She loves going out into nature and just exploring when she gets the chance. She even likes humans , well some anyways. She is more reserved than other xenos and tends to work alone even if she is apart of the hive. She is also very dense when it comes to any emotions...

Thoughts on humans:

"They are strange creatures, amusing really. I love to hunt the worthy ones, the hunt thrills me. Though i do have some sympathy for their young, i must feed."

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