Chapter Twenty Three:

ابدأ من البداية

"Hmm does sound weird. Cheryl's a very tactile person" I replied bluntly.

"Oh right. She won't have sex with me either..Do you think it's me?"


"Maybe I should take her out tonight"


"Do you know where she'd like to go or have any suggestions?"

"Not that I can think of" he was boring me now and I wasn't in any mood to hear his relationship problems or his sex life problems. Quite frankly I just didn't want to know about Cheryl's relationship with him or speak to him. Especially with how I feel towards her, although I was slightly smug that it wasn't working out and that she just didn't seem that interested.

"Okay, thanks anyway..I'm gonna get going now. Enjoy your day"



Two days had passed since I spoke to Mason. I was currently helping Sarah pick out some outfits for her gigs that Will had got her. She was so excited but so nervous. Bless her. She's doing so well at the moment, early days but she's starting to make a name for herself. She was playing in a few small clubs and then had a huge gig in one of London's biggest clubs in two weeks.

"Which one?" Sarah asked holding up two cropped tops.

"Erm that one"

"With these pants?"

"Yeah it matches look" I say pointing out the matching pattern on them both.

"Okay so that's one outfit, 3 to go and then I need a really really good one for London"

"We should go look in that shop over the road, grab some lunch and have look in some more shops" I say to her as she goes to try the outfit on.

I hadn't spoken to Cheryl in two days. I wonder if Mason did take her out. I wonder if she had a good time. I wonder if she's forgotten about me..after all she hadn't spoken to me in two days. Kimberley stop being so bloody clingy, I told myself. Imogen hadn't asked to see me either..maybe Cheryl's keeping her distance..what if she's freaked out.

"Earth to Kimbers"

"Oh sorry, what?"

"I said what do you think?"

"Love it. Can I have your stomach please?" I whined. Sarah had a really flat washboard, toned stomach that I was incredibly jealous of.

"Your figure is gorg, I'd rather your figure than mine" Sarah smiled as she wondered back into the changing room.

" where are your gigs?"

"I've got two here, next Friday and Saturday, one in Manchester the Friday afterwards and then the big one in London the Saturday after"

"Nice, you're gonna smash it. You're pretty booked up then aren't you! Check you out..booked up for three weeks"

"I know, I can't believe my luck, can't moan at how much I'm getting paid either. I'm so excited. Petrified for London though" Sarah explains as she pays for her items.

"You'll be fine" I say as we walk out of the shop linking arms. "Shall we grab something to eat?"

"Yeah, how about that restaurant over there?"


We sat down and ordered our food and drink and as were waiting for our food to arrive Sarah's phone started ringing, she apologised before answering.

"Oh hi Chez..yeah just out shopping..not too grabbing something to how was the date with Mason? Did he sweep you off your feet..hahaha that's what I like to did you y'know?..yes you did! Don't deny it. I can tell by the tone of your voice...haha yeah..I'm happy for you..I'm gonna get going, my foods here..okay you too"

I could only hear Sarah's half of the conversation but I knew exactly what she was talking about. My heart felt like it was in my mouth, my mood deteriorating by the minute. We began to eat in silence before I had the guts to bring it up.

"So did Chez go out with Mason the other night?"

"Yeah, enjoyed her night by the sounds of it" Sarah laughed.

"I spoke to Mason the day before he said that things weren't looking great"

"Oh really..why?"

"He just said that Cheryl wouldn't touch him and just didn't seem interested"

"All that's changed now then!" Sarah giggled. "This pasta is great" she said as she twirled it around her fork.

"It is"

* * *

"Cheryl can I talk to you?" I ask as she opens the door to me.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I'm going back to London"

"Oh for how long?"

"No, I mean for good. I'm moving back to London"

"I thought you were on your break? you've got weeks yet before you have to be back at work?"

"I know but I'm gonna continue my break in London. I can't take this anymore"

"Take what anymore?"

"Seeing you with Mason so happy. It's tearing me apart knowing you don't feel the same as me so it's best if I go. I'm sorry. I'll come and say bye to Imogen before I go" I say as I turn on my heels and let myself out with tears streaming down my face.


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Expect The Unexpected - Chim.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن