Chapter Three:

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"So sorry I'm late! My car wouldn't start!" I explained in a hurry to Kimberley realising I was fifteen minutes late. "I would have texted you but I left my phone at home"

"Don't worry about it" Kimberley smiled sweetly. "I bought you a latte" Kimberley spoke softly, Kimberley took her hand off the side of her mug, pointing to my side of the table indicating the latte that was placed there.

"Thank you" I told her as I sat down, placing my bag on the floor next to me. We we're sat in a secluded corner of the small little cafe, in hope that Kimberley wouldn't get recognised.

"So, how are you?" Kimberley asked as she sipped her hot drink.

"Good thanks, surprisingly after all that wine I drank last night. I'd hate to be in Sarah's shoes today, she had loads" I laughed. "How about you?"

"I know yeah, bet she's got a banging head. I'm good thanks, better now you're here" Kimberley smiled sincerely.

"Aww, so when do you have to go back to London?"

"Whenever I want really" Kimberley explained.

"Cool, are you staying in a hotel?"

"For now yeah, bit boring by myself though but I need a break"

"You're welcome round mine any time but I've--"

"Hi, can I get you anything?" A young waitress interrupted me.

"No thank you" Kimberley told her.

"Ermm..I'll have a custard slice please" I smiled.

"Sure, I'll be right back" she nervously smiled and left the table.

"Thank you, I might just take you up on that offer" Kimberley grinned, she either completely disregarded by 'but' or didn't hear it.



"Lovely seeing you today, third time in a row!" I laughed

"You're good company. We'll have to go out at the weekend or something?"

"I would but I'm working Friday and Saturday night.." I explained with a sad smile.

"During the day then?"

"Sounds good, give me a call when you're free?"

"Will do" Kimberley hugged me before quickly getting in her car, not wanting to get noticed. I'm rather surprised that the young waitress didn't notice who she was but to be honest, she looked too nervous. Probably her first day or something.

I walked over to my car unlocking it and getting in, deciding to drive over to Sarah's.

I knocked on the door to her house, no answer. Lazy mare is probably still in bed. I got my key out she had given me and let myself in, shutting the door behind me.


No answer. I decided to go into the kitchen to get her a cold glass of water and some paracetamol before shouting up to her again.


Still no answer.

I climbed the stairs and walked into her room to find her half hanging out of her bed, sound asleep, snoring slightly. Her covers practically all on the floor and her hair sprawled all over her face.

"Wakey wakey, hardcore"


"Wake up it's nearly 2pm"

"Go away Chez"

"Tablets and water are on the side, how do you fancy a McDonalds?"

"Don't tempt me"

"Come on, do you good"

"Fine" Sarah grunted before climbing out of bed and taking the water and paracetamol from her bedside table.

"Come on, hurry up. I'll drive"

"Okay okay I'm hurrying"


"Where the hell do you put it all?"

"What?" I asked confused as I bit into my Big Mac.

"Your food, you eat triple what I do and you're still tiny"

"I dunno" I laughed.

"Love a good burger, me"

"Same, nothing like a McDonalds burger" I giggled, sipping on my large coca cola.


It was now Saturday morning. Kimberley and I had been exchanging texts for the past three days. Kimberley was due round at 11am, we planned on just spending the day in to watch films and to get to know each other better. We were well on our way to the road of friendship. I never thought I'd find a friend in a celebrity especially not in Newcastle but she's actually so down to earth and genuine. I had known Kimberley a week now and we were getting on great, I felt close to her already. Sarah and Kimberley get on fantastically too which is good. Kimberley has told me about her two best friends, Nicola and Nadine, saying that I need to meet them soon. She explain how Nadine would get on with Sarah very well in the alcohol department, being Irish she can handle her drink well.

It was now 10:45am and I'm just waiting for Kimberley to arrive at 11. I decided to opt for a casual but nice outfit, ripped skinny jeans and a white flowy type top.

"Hey Kimba" I smiled as I opened the door.

"Hey how are you?"

"Good thanks, yourself? You look lovely by the way"

"Thank you and yeah I'm good"

"Look what I brought" Kimberley grinned as she waved the plastic carrier bag in my face before placing it down on the table in the kitchen after following me through.

"Ooo what you got?"

"Junk food and lots of it" she giggled.

"That's what I like to hear"


Half way through our second film and a ridiculous amount of junk food eaten later, Kimberley mutes the TV and begins to speak.

"You know Chez? I'm really glad that you don't freak out at my celebrity status. You see me as a normal person, I like that. Thank you"

"No need to thank me. I suppose it's good to have some normality sometimes"

"Yeah it is, I'm glad I've found a friend in you. I feel like I've known you for ages." Kimberley smiled at me, pulling me into a hug then letting go to look at me again.

"Me too, you're so lovely. Nothing like I thought you would be."

"I'm glad. I'm really nothing like the press portrays me, they make up so much shit it's unbelievable."

"I know you're not, I'm glad we're friends. Look Kimba--"

I'm interrupted by the sound of the front door slamming shut..



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