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I rolled over in my warm bed, my legs hitting something hard yet soft.

A body part.

Oh God.

A groggy voice mumbled as I rubbed my eyes and stretched my legs.


The screech of a baby pterodactyl escaped my mouth. "What the-? Kavinsky?"

I had sincerely believed that this had all been one never ending nightmare; the letters, the accident... Peter.

I pulled my hair away from my face, and picked my head up slowly, observing him. "Why. In. All. That. Is. Holy. Are. You. On. My. Bed?"

His curls were all over the place and he was shirtless. His collarbones greeted me and I could feel the warmth radiating off his body. His melted caramel eyes were swollen from sleep.

"Oh you know," he answered. "Just waiting for you to wake up."



"You're shirtless."

"Am I? Hm, I knew I felt a draft."

I groaned, turning over to face the window.

"Come on. You've been asleep for twenty hours. Literally. Now we go on our adventure." He stated.

I grunted, turning back around to face him. "You were sleeping too! And we'll go later."

His voice was so raspy, I had chills. "I didn't sleep as much as you though. I didn't even think I could sleep since I'm not even in my body... in case you forgot."

I shut my eyes tightly, immediately wanting to claw his face off for disturbing my sleep, so early. "So you just slept here all night? In my bed?"

I had gotten home for the first time the morning before. And apparently, had slept the entire day and night, leaving Peter sitting on my grandmother's old white rocking chair that was across from my bed.

He turned away from me to yawn, and stretched. He grew several more inches as he raised his arms above his head. Then he sniffed his armpits.

"Well, not all night. Let's see, I went jogging, made myself a bowl of cereal, watched some TV, read a few of your books lying around, and after all that, guess what? You were still sleeping! So I just sat on that strikingly uncomfortable rocking chair and watched you talk for hours."


"You talk in your sleep."

"I do not."

"Yeah you do."

"No I don't."

"You wouldn't know 'cause your snoring blocked it out."

The Letters♡ • Peter Kavinsky Where stories live. Discover now