~23~ Pandemonium

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"Very Interesting, I had mistakenly assumed that victory in the game was ultimately on the luck of our draws," Erza said, as she examined the lot she pulled out.
"It's far more than that! You'd have to consider pacing, your own opponents strength, the likelihood of getting a really nasty monster..! The list goes on and on as this is a far more complex game..." Mato began to explain but Erza cur him off with a chuckle.
"No... In fact, this is no longer a game." Erza denied, as she began to walk towards the castle's entrance.
"Inside this castle, wait one-hundred monsters," Erza looked up towards the entrance, a determined expression was on her face.
"I chose to fight all of them!" she announced.


Erza Scarlet created a commotion amongst all the guilds and the crowd when she claimed wanting to fight all 100 monsters. She was ever so confident about wanting to take out that many, that she even ignored Mato when the pumpkin mascot was urging her to reconsider. Even Team Sabertooth was bewildered. "Isn't that a little too much?!" Sting questioned, he had a disbelieving frown on his face.
"No way! Is she insane?!" Lector cried out; his eyes were wider than normal. "She's going to fight all of them?!" Frosch questioned.
"My, my, if this bold claim stands till the end with her, this shall truly be an event to remember. Isn't that right M'lady?" Rufus chuckled under his breath.
"Perhaps.. Let's see what she can actually do first," Minerva laughed mockingly.

Sorella couldn't exactly say she was shocked that Erza would resort to such tactics; after all she was always headstrong. Sorella remembered it well.
When Erza was determined to do complete something, she would see it through till the end. In other words, there would be no stopping her, even if she had to fight 1000 monsters instead.

Memories flooded her brain from the past.
Erza Scarlet was the one who led that revolution fourteen years ago. She remembered.
When they were sisters and Sorella went by Soranna; an eleven year old Erza grabbed the hand of an eight year old Soranna, and she led them to fight together.

At the time, Soranna thought they would stay together forever. She had faith in Erza, her older sister.
But that all changed when Soranna got knocked out by one of the Tower of Heaven's guards, and woke up later to see Erza leave on a ship without her.
At the time, Soranna felt betrayed. She didn't know why Erza had left without her, she couldn't understand it.
She also couldn't understand how Jellal Fernandez became so evil after he was the supporting cause to their revolution.
He and Erza had gone to the core of the tower, only for him to become the new master of the slaves.
Soranna had cried for days, for days on end she had let out tears, and for every tear she shed they whipped her for that. They whipped her until she couldn't cry, and eventually she felt nothing for the next three years she was a slave.
The day the mysterious figure helped her escape the Tower of Heaven, was the day she left the name Soranna Scarlet to die there.
She became 'Sorella' and re-adopted the last name 'Alviena' when her mother took her off the streets.
Sorella Alviena was different than Soranna Scarlet.
Soranna Scarlet was naive, bubbly, hopeful, and full of life, until she was not.
Sorella Alviena was resourceful, outspoken, stubborn at times, and wanted to survive.
Soranna loved Erza and was eventually betrayed by her.
Sorella had no such feelings and no such connections.

Sorella brushed her memories to the side and focused on the screen, waiting for Erza to get to work.
"My name is Erza Scarlet, from Fairy Tail team A. I will fight 100," Erza said as soon as she entered the domain. And not long after, all the monsters spawned at the same time and lunged right at her.
"Requip!" A bright light covered the whole lacrima screen and out came Erza in her Heaven's Wheel armour. "Blumenblatt!" Erza's spell summoned hundreds of swords that scattered everywhere, hitting all the monsters and taking out a few D-class monsters in the process.
"Whoa! Erza has carried out a preemptive strike with an omni-directional attack! The D-class monsters are dropping one after another!" Chapati narrated into the mic and the crowd was in awe.
Erza Scarlet was the quickest requip wizard out there, every time Sorella blinked, Erza was wearing a new set.
Erza had by then requipped into her Black wing armour, and cut down three foes at the same time; when she was hit by a fire breathing monster, she came out in her Flame Empress Armour with a large sword from her sea empress set. Immediately, she defeated five fire breathing monsters in two slashes like they were made out of paper.
"Oh, my! She's destroyed five C-Class monsters already!" Chapati yelled into the microphone.

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