~22~ Sting

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When he left, the Sabertooth wizards were left to talk.
"Orga, from the remainder of the games, you will take my place," Sorella stated, startling him.
"Are you serious?" Orga was confused. He looked down at Sorella to observe any damages she may of sustained, but there was none. "Why?" He questioned her.
"Differences of opinion; besides, don't you want an excuse to show off your black lightning?" She replied plainly, and while he didn't understand her reasoning fully, he was not one to look a gifted horse in the mouth.
"Very well, I call first dibs in the games tomorrow! I swear I'll make those Fairy punks pay for what they did to us!" Orga smirked determinedly.
"Your black lightning shall make their very souls tremble," Rufus approved.
"Indeed, we shall respond accordingly to their act of disrespect. Although, I admit disturbances like this is what makes the events interesting. And since Yukino is no longer with us, I shall fill in her spot." Minerva coyly responded.
"Now as for our injured men..." Minerva pursed her lips, once she heard the groans of men.

~ ~ ~ ~

Sorella observed her surroundings. There were many men on the ground who were unconscious and beaten, the she sighed heavily.
While she disliked the fact that they were all complicit in their Guild Master's actions, there would be certainly a lot of questions as to why they were all bruised and burnt up tomorrow.
Everyone in Sabertooth wanted to keep this intrusion as private as possible.
"As our medic witch is not here, I will go around and heal the injured," Sorella stated and she went around to heal as many wizards as she could.

Not only did Sorella's offensive magic strengthen over the past three months, but so did her healing powers.
Months ago she remembered feeling exhausted after just healing all of Freja's injuries, now she could heal easily without so much as breaking a sweat.
It was practically thanks to Sting and Rogue that her stamina for healing had improved. Especially because of how many times Sting and Rogue had beat each other up, she'd was practically healing them all time because they practically begged her too.

The first wizard she healed was Dobengal, he was the closest to her in distance. "Serenity waves," Sorella let waves of light resonate out of her, she kneeled down to help him up into a sitting position. He groaned in pain, but let her assist him. "I really... failed there.." he coughed as she leant him against a column.
She shook her head. "You'll be fine," she reassured him. "He was focused on the Master, that wasn't on you."

When Dobengal was okay, she moved on to a few others.
"Where are your injuries?" She asked a group of five, and they each showed her where their burns were.
"Lux sanitatem."

When they were healed, she moved on.
"I don't need gAH— help!" A particularly stubborn wizard tried to deny and she rolled her eyes.
"Suit yourself then," she was going to move on.
"W-Wait, I change my mind," the wizard groaned when he struggled to get up.
I thought so.
This would be a long night, Sorella gathered, as she healed the man.

When Sorella was finally done, the men were relatively fine. The only thing left that was damaged were their prides, and Sorella couldn't do anything much about that.
She was finally exhausted and her bed was calling for her.

Dragging her feet, she made it up the stairs and was half way down the hall when she heard footsteps behind her.
"Sorella," she heard his voice and she rolled her eyes.
"Not now, Sting. I'm tired," she yawned, irritated to have been stopped from sleeping.
"Sorella we need to talk," yet Sting still insisted. Sorella closed her eyes in annoyance.
"Can this not wait until tomorrow?" She groaned.
"I'd rather we not go to sleep mad at one another," Sting replied, and she turned around to see him standing a few feet behind her, arms crossed; he was concerned.
"Are you sure that what you're about to say next won't further anger me?" She demanded.
"Yes... Hopefully," He replied confidently, until he paused and re-corrected himself.
"Very well, let's hear it," she conceded and he shook his head.
"Not here, I don't want anyone to hear us," Sting replied.
She bit her lip. "Follow me then," she gestured, leading the way to her room and he followed behind her silently.

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