She waited patiently by the door and was at her wits end when she saw a wet, sexy Xian running towards her with her bags. His abs were viewable through his shirt and the droplets of rain running down that gorgeous, flawless face of his wasn't helping with the sexual tension.

It was like things were in slow motion. His eyes were just piercing through her entire being as the water dripped down his face, her eyes followed a single droplet, down his jaw, his neck....his chest... His own eyes followed hers... and a husky laugh escaped his throat.


Kim's eyes widened as she realised he had caught her out.  He raised a brow at her then ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Where did you want your bags?"

She didn't say a word. She pointed at a spot on the floor and didn't make eye contact with him. He smiled to himself. She wanted him. It was so clear.

He gently grabbed the umbrella still in her hand then nodded his goodbye. He turned his back on her to get into his car, until..

"Hey! Coffee ka muna...."

That gentle, sweet voice called out to him and he felt like he couldn't say no.


She had no idea what came over her when she called him back. She was in the kitchen making his coffee, aware of his stare on her back as he sat at the kitchen bench. With a shy smile, she finally turned around and gave him his coffee.

"Here you go.. Let me just get you a towel and a shirt if I can find one..."

He looked up at her as he felt their hands graze one another when he grabbed the mug from her hands, he was shivering cold! She blushed and quickly walked away to grab him a towel and spare shirt. Leaning against her closet door, she closed her eyes and took in many deep breaths. 

"Easy lang, girl! Boss mo yan... boss mo yan."

After scolding herself for a while, she realised she had left him alone for a really long time. She quickly grabbed a towel and the largest shirt in her closet which belonged to her brother, then  walked back to the kitchen. He was sipping his coffee, shivering. She felt so guilty! She quickly handed the towel and shirt to him and apologised profusely.

"Ahm.. sensya na, I'm so sorry sir, nakakahiya... ako pa ang nag invite sa iyo para pumasok ka, pero iniwan kita, sorry po! Mag palit ka na po ng damit...."

 He smiled at how adorable this woman was.

"P-p-please la-n-ng K-k-Kim.. w-w-ag k-k-ka na m-m-mag s-s-sir... w-w-ag k-ka na r-r-rin m-m-mag p-p-po! X-X-Xian nalang....o-o-okay?"

His dimples showed as he grinned at her face whilst he shivered. 

"Oo na... mag palit ka na... you're going to get sick."

He glanced at the shirt and she raised her brows as if to question him.

"Y-y-your b-b-boyfriends?"

She laughed then shook her head.

"My brothers. Sige na, mag palit ka na... I'll turn my back towards you."

Cause she didn't know if she had the self control to stop herself from jumping all over him if she ever saw his upper half fully bare...She imagined running her hands down his rigid body, her hands all over that broad chest and those broad shoulders...oh lord forgive her for thinking thoughts like this. 

"I'm d-d-done."

She turned to face him, then sighed in relief...or was it disappointment that he was fully covered? She walked towards him and sat on the seat beside his. It was silent for a while...ofcourse until Xian spoke. He was finally warm, not shivering.

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