Chapter 6: Possessive [PG CHAPTER]

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It says PG chapter above because the following chapter contains mild content that may/may not offend. It's only a very small portion naman. You've been warned!


He lay her down on the satin sheets, her beautiful bare body beckoning him to come closer.. to take her.

 "Do it... take me, please.."

His eyes were sparkling in the dark as he placed a kiss on her forehead and worked his way down to her lips, her body trembling beneath him.

With one swift movement he took her. Her nails digging into his bare back, his name being called breath after breath after breath..


"Kim, talk to me."

She ignored Xian's voice behind her and read over the paragraph she had just typed.

She didn't want to talk about it. After the kiss, she grabbed her bags and just ran out of his car. It turned out the moment he stopped the car, they were already at work. He called out to her but she refused to look back. The kiss was a mistake.

"Kim, come on... you gotta talk to me. I put my heart on my sleeve, YOU were the one who pulled me, and YOU were the one who kissed me, why is that so wrong?"

She saved her work then finally faced him.

"Can you lower your voice!?"

It was early in the morning and not many people were at work yet, but Kim couldn't risk it.

"I don't know what the problem is? I meant what I said, and I don't know why you're upset with me right now."

She took a deep breath and refused to make eye contact with him. He grabbed a chair, placed it beside her and took her hand.

"I know I have a reputation. And yes, you wouldn't be the first girl I dated from this workplace.. but I assure you, you'll be the last."

She closed her eyes and took in a shaky breath as she felt his warm breath on her skin, he brought her hand to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on their intertwined fingers. Who knew this man could be so romantic?

"Look... I'm going to be honest with you... and I'm going to be blunt with you. I've had a thing for you since you hired me. I've had a thing for you ever since we met. I've watched you with all these women and you have no idea how insecure I get. How... how.. upset I get because I'm not anything near those women. Take Amber for example! A former model, a LINGERIE model to be exact. How am I supposed to compe--"

She was cut off by the feel of his mouth against hers, her eyes at first, wide in surprise but slowly closing at the pleasure of the kiss. Placing her hands at his perfect jaw line, he deepened the contact between them and in between kisses, groaned her name.


She loved the sound of her name on his lips, she loved his lips overall. Tasted like Jollibee... and strawberries.

Her hands roamed to his head and gently pulled at his hair as he deliberately bit her lip, eliciting a moan from her own.


She threw her head back and let his lips go down her neck. She had waited two years to taste his lips.


Jolting her head upright, she immediately pushed him away, her face going pale, her throat going dry and her eyes going wide. Turning around on her chair she greeted the voice with an embarassed smile.

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