
Start from the beginning

"It wasn't my fault." I blurted, instantly regretting my childish choice of words.

"Then whose fault was it Avery?"

I stayed quiet; My mouth too dry to let out the words that I have been dying to say. I had replayed the words I was going to tell her a million times in my head but it was at this moment standing in front of her that I realised that she would never believe me.

The silence enveloped us leaving room for regret, disappointment and remorse to fill the room. We both stood side by side examining each other waiting for the the other to shout, scream or to start one of the usual regular fights that we have. But no voices were heard except for the sounds of our inner dialogue.

"What happened to you?" I flinched my hand away from her; a look of hurt flashed in her eyes but was quickly masked away by her professional demeanour.

I stayed silent afraid that I would burst into tears and reveal everything.

"You're not going to tell me are you?" She spoke with an air of finality in her tone, "That leaves me no choice but to ground you until you do."

I turn on my heel ready to escape the cage of the dining room.

"And Avery?" I turned around to face her again. "Monday I've penciled in a meeting with your headmaster so I expect you to be ready to explain everything by then."


A soft knock was heard from my bedroom door.

"Miss Avery?"

"I'm not very hungry Velma"

"But darling you haven't eaten all day."

Velma came in through my door despite my protests against anyone coming into my room. She gasped in shock to what she had found behind the door causing the plate of cookies to fall from her hands.

"Avery, my dear - what is this?" She asked as her hand waved around the piles of folders and files that I have accumulated strewn across my marble floors. Then she came to face me, my eyes red from sleep deprivation and my hair a fretted mess. Velma then moved towards me pushing away the files so that they no longer surrounded me. She embraced me in her arms as I wept away.

I could hear the other housekeeping staff creep closer to my room as they all came to see if I was feeling okay.

"She's been cooped up in that room for way too long I'm surprised the girl wasn't keeping a dead body in there." I heard one say and for the first time in days I finally laughed.


I hadn't touched my phone since the moment I stepped on LA ground. It had been switched off for days so there was no surprise when my phone started buzzing with notifications as soon as it turned on.

45 whatsapp messages

34 Snapchat messages

54 Direct messages

62 missed calls

And... 32 emails?

Most of which were from none other than my best friend, Ellie Samantha Johnson. Taking a deep breathe in, I called her.

"Look who finally decided to call."  

"Hey Ell. How are you?"

"I've forgiven you for not responding to me.I was actually on my way to you house today to make you pick up your damn phone. And I'm doing well thank you for asking."

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