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Chapter 01: I'm Surprised The Girl Wasn't Keeping a Dead Body In There


Person ID: Avery K. Wilson

"Sandra Torres is out of office. Please leave a message after the tone."  

"Hey mom... when you get this..." I paused and looked around the airport. It was midnight yet the airport was buzzing with energy as families checked out for holidays for summer. Children were crying, dogs were barking and the sound of hundreds of trolleys and suitcases gliding across the airport floor could be heard as I stood alone at the centre of it all.

"I have something I have to explain. Not something...it's it's a lot of som...something - I mean I have a lot to explain." I rambled on the phone, my nervous energy making it hard for me to string the basic of sentences together. I took a deep breath in as I prepared myself for what I was about to say next,

"I'm coming home Mom."

And with that I headed to the airport terminal handing over my suitcase and tickets and preparing myself for a long flight back home where a furious momster awaited for me.


My mother and I looked alot alike: the same straight silky brunette hair, emerald coloured eyes,and tanned skin. But now as I looked at her,in her state of anger, in the middle of JFK airport - I could hardly recognised her: She was livid.

"Excluded. Am I reading this email correctly?" Her tone was calm and she maintained her professional composure but I could see the hot boiling water inside of her like clusters and bubbles of anger and rage threatening to spill.

"Avery Kennedy Wilson you better explain yourself before I -" She stopped and smiled at the elderly couple who watched the mother-daughter encounter take place. "- ahem Avery I'll see you at the car."

"Well then, I missed you too" I gave her half-hearted grin as she avoided glancing back at me, taking her attention away to the incoming call on her mobile phone. I walked past her and towards the silver Bentley that was parked outside the airport; the staff collected my baggage and placed them at the trunk of the car.

We headed home in complete silence. I sat calmly, watching the scenery out of the tinted windows of the car while my mother tapped away on her phone and laptop rescheduling the hundreds of appointments and meetings that I had made her miss.

As the streets we drove past became more and more familiar, the pace of my heart quickened as my stomach churned in discomfort and fear. Sandra Torres was a busy woman, but when it came to asking the hard questions she could wait all of eternity till she got her answers. After all, she has the determination students in exam season could only dream of possessing.


"We are here Miss Torres." Announced the driver at the front seat of the car as the car had reached a holt.

As we got out of the car I could barely take in the changes that were made to the house while I was gone, as I followed my mother who made a beeline towards the dining room.

The sound of her keys and phone hitting the glass table echoed in the large dining room as the atmosphere grew tense. As if the staff could sense the change in my mother's mood they scurried out of the kitchen leaving the door shut behind them.

"Well?" She cut through the silence staying composed even though knowing my mother for the last sixteen years I have been alive my mother was raging inside. It was almost as if I could see the forest fire in her dark green eyes.

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