Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

-Megan’s POV-

“Uh…um…uh,” Aiden struggled,

“Who wants something to eat?” Louis tried to save Aiden,

“Uh guys! I’ll tell you, it’s about giving a—“ Rayanne said,

“I want something, oh boy I am really hungry,” Liam tried his best too,

“Um yeah, so it’s about—“ Rayanne oblivious of their tries, continued,

“I want my nachos.” Niall said, I’m not sure if he cares about anything but what he just said,

“Could you all just shut up? It’s about giving a blow job!” Rayanne finally broke it to them,

“I knew that,” Harry smirked,

“Of course you did,” Louis scolded,

“Of course,” I said, they all looked at me, “Uh…of course Noe didn’t know! I meant that…ha…ha,”

They all turned to Noelle, her face was pale and cry baby-ish, she looked like a wet puppy. Poor girl.

“Truth is harsh, it’s bitter,” Aiden patted Noelle’s head,

“But I—“

“Sssh…that’s okay,” Aiden faked the niceness,

Meanwhile Niall smiled at Noelle’s reaction, I bet he thinks she’s cute. I bet Gretch is grossed out by the same cuteness,

We reached the airport and were thankfully not mobbed by fans, all the teens are in Silver Oak, studying.

And we’re here on the start of a fun trip with One Direction. Smirk.

-Noelle’s POV-

I sat between Liam and Zayn on the flight and honestly I was too lazy to check whom my friends were sitting with,

“So, your favorite girl band?” I asked them randomly, really random indeed,

“Favorite girl band?” Liam said, he seemed to have no answer,

“Favorite boy band then?” I asked,

“The one with the curly haired boy named Harry,” he chuckled,

I was about to laugh but Zayn get’s a call, he sees the number on the screen and immediately gives it to me, “Oh shucks, it’s her, tell her, tell her, I’m in the…bathroom!”

I stayed stunned for two seconds but then I regained my senses and answered the phone, “Who’s this?”

“Who are you?” she replied,

“You called me; I didn’t, so you tell me,”

She laughed, “I’m Zayn’s wife, Amy!” I widened my eyes, oh poor Zayn, so that’s why he’s freaked out, she a creepy stalker isn’t she? From where do they get the number anyway?

“Oh so you’re Amy!”

Zayn made a hand gesture like what are you doing?! I just nodded in a let me handle it way,

“Uh…” she said,

“Oh Amy, Zayn’s told me loads about you, I’m his aunt, when did you guys even marry, oh I know secretly right? Very romantic! But let me tell you something, romantic is not allowed. Now that you are the wife, you need to do certain duties; first, do the laundry, second, come and live with us for a year, third…”

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