Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

-Megan’s POV-

I’m really happy or all of them...and maybe a teeny weenie bit jealous.

While having useless thoughts in my mind I stepped on my shoelace and skipped a footstep. So I didn’t fall or anything, I just lost balance for a second and regained it. But my almond soup didn’t. The off-white liquid decorated my white shirt.

Okay must find a new shirt before this one becomes completely see through.

I need to hurry before the bell rings. I remember I have a tee in my locker. Thank God for that, or else I’d have to go all the way to my room.

The bell rung. Shucks!

I stopped suddenly. I see…

Harry Styles kissing a blonde, hard. Their hands are all over each other. You can only imagine how I felt. I felt like someone pinched me real hard and then didn’t stop doing that at all.

Don’t turn around, don’t turn around; I told myself. You need the shirt, you can’t pussy out.

So I kept walking, I looked in front, I minded my own business.

But I couldn’t stop myself. I was only one feet away from the wild scene. I sneaked a glance once. Harry was hugging her now, but his eyes weren’t closed. I wonder why I noticed that.

Then he saw me, I looked away. No no no no why why why why?

They were behind me now and I couldn’t help but look back just once. I couldn’t resist…

Guess what he did?

He smiled and winked at me. Urggh, stupid freaking stupid player, what does he think I am? One of those girls who throw themselves at you, one of those sluts? I…do I look like one…? NO I don’t! He’s the...he’s the man-whore here! Jerk! He thinks he can get any girl with a click of his fingers…that is actually pretty true…NO, he’s the typical Casanova. That’s it! I never liked him, I’ll never like him! I don’t think he’s cute or that is smile is adorable or that his hair is soft...or…

I picked up the blue Sheldon Cooper t-shirt I had stuffed in my locker and walked towards the girl’s washroom. I washed some soup from my upper chest and went inside a cubicle. I locked myself and sat on top of the toilet seat. I re-enacted what just happened in my mind.

I was cursing him silently when I heard someone coming in. I was dried up by then. I wore my t-shirt and I heard Nicki Minaj’s voice, the girl’s ringtone I believe. I was ready to unlock the door but she started talking…and I listened…

“Hey twin! Oh my God, got to tell you shit loads, Yeah I know but I had to tell you this! LOL yeah I texted that in a rush, so I told you about One Direction right? Haha you jealous bitch! Okay so guess what? Remember the curly haired guy, Harry? Well let’s just say he’s a goooooood kisser!,” she squealed, “Ow twin I think my ears are bleeding because of your fucking shriek!,” look who’s talking, “I hope I can get a chance to…you know…” she giggled.

Why do I feel like stabbing her? Oh you say it’s normal? Well why do I feel like stabbng Harry too? And we’re talking about a guy who doesn’t know I exist even though we’re n the same fracking island!

I unlocked the door, picked up my bag and the wet shirt and walked out. I had a look of not paying attention at you plastered on my face. She didn’t doubt me too.

I thought of dumping my litrature class, I’m already late by 30 minutes…

I sat in the college cafeteria and ordered cold coffee.

“Hi” a male deep voice said. I jumped.

I turned around to find Jordan standing there looking smug. Déjà vu pierced me. This was exactly how he first talked to me last year in a cafeteria with that smug look. Last year… the year when I was just a newbie, he asked me out and I was on cloud nine because hello he’s drop dead gorgeous. His blonde hair was as blonde as ever. His smile which used to make me blush makes me wanted to punch him now. He was double-dating and the other bitch was okay wth it. Yes she was okay with it because in that case, I was the boring wife and she was the hot affair. I hate cheaters. I hate them.

After I dumped him he couldn't take it. He must've thought that I would forgive him and run back to him. Bitch you were wrong. I will not freaking kiss and make up with a cheater, ever.

He was so furious that he insulted me in front of the whole school. He sweared loudly and I just stood there with a smirk on my face. I loved the fact that I was the first person to do that with an ego-filled-jerk like him.

But then he did something else, he called his other girlfriend and kissed her full on the mouth in front of me and the whole school cheered. And I stood there holding back tears.

I walked away from there. This remained a gossip for 2 months but people got over it. I didn’t but I wont show, duh.

It brings tears to my eyes when I look back at how easily I had trusted his sweet smile, his cute shyness, his gentleman habits. Those cliché stories where bad boys are actually nice is crap. All the hot guys or hot bad guys are bad. Period.

Not Jordan, not Harry Styles, not anybody would change for a girl. There is no…’The one’ crap in real life.

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