Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Howdy?” I said looking at him straight in the eye with a mean smile.

“You don’t look so good,” he also had a good amount of poison in his voice.

“I don’t? Hmm…” I said with a fake thoughtful expression.

“You don’t need to be like that baby; I know how pathetic you are.”

I stopped then, damn, I am pathetic.

“Aww, poor baby, did I hurt you?”

“You did that one year ago; you’ll never get that chance ever again.” I said with an stern tone.

He pursed his lips and said, “Whatever” and left me.

I sat back, what a hell of a day.


Today was the movie night. More like the educational movie night. Silver Oak takes us to George theatre and shows us movies every month.

This time it was some Irani movie called the ‘Orange suit’ and it was based on environmental awareness. It does sound pretty boring doesn’t it?

My reaction was like…Orange suit? Oh nice title! Irani? Oh how interesting! Environment? I hate you humanity.

We were all collecting outside the theatre. Noelle and Gretchen were with their nerd group. So me, Ray and Aiden stood together.

Somebody loudly asked, “Isnt 1d comin?"

“I’m afraid not,” sad the stern professor who was accompanying us.

Whoever the person was, he/she shut up. Hey I couldn’t gender differentiate right then okay!

I could see a hint of disappointment in both my friends’ faces which they tried to hide.

-Aiden’s POV-

“I’ll be right back…” I told the girls and headed to the ladies washroom.

I fixed my hair or 2 minutes and straightened my khaki pants and washed my hands randomly.

I came out and…

“Pssh Pssh”

Huh? Did I just hear someone…?


I looked at the dark corner from where the sound was coming and went near it.

“Umm…what?” was all I could come up with.

“It’s me Louis; I need you to do me a favor,”

-Rayanne’s POV-

“You know, I’ll call you KP from today,” I sung.

“Uhh..Why?” Megan squinted her eyes in a confused manner.

“Korean princess!”

Her lips curled up to form a smile. Megan loves Korean pop like American people love burgers. She’s a crazy fan girl, she can sing in Korean, even though she doesn’t understand a word and she can do quite a bit of dance moves too.

Talking about Asian guys, Megan is totally drooling over Minho, the hottest Asian guy around. Oh yes he’s walking towards us, oh no he’s walking past us…

I can’t miss this chance!

“Hey Minho!” I shout behind his back.

He turned around and gave me a quizzical look.

“Um…here….my gorgeous friend….she’s single!” I nodded my head.

I slowly look at my friend and all I can say is May I rest in peace.

He looked and Megan too and smiles, “Yeah I know Megan,” and leaves.

No don’t leave just now. I need eyewitnesses to the murder Megan is about to commit. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m the victim.

Hey common it was worth a risk.

I was ready to run now and she was ready to chase me too. Yes we’ve got a bit of 5 year olds trapped in our bodies.

“YOU BITCH, I’LL KILL YOU,” she stretched her hand to catch hold of me. Ah too bad I’m too fast.

She was ready to commit her sin and I was ready to not let that happen when Aiden interrupted us….

Here at Silver Oak (#2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें