Chapter 17

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P.s If you want to know who are the girls in the picture then post on my wall.

Chapter 17

-Aiden's POV-

So we're spending the whole week in Malaysia and the first day with 1D,

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" Megan had her thoughtful face on, we were waiting for our rides which were going to leave us till the airport, which is located on the other side of the island,

" far as I know you, I think you'll probably go like this later--'Oh yes I forgot my passport!'" I teased,

"Yeah, thanks, call me dumb," when she said that, two cars drove in, the doors opened and Liam came out! Wow this was unexpected. Really unexpected.

"Wow, you guys are the winners?" Louis said as he came out after Liam. From the car behind; Harry, Niall and Zayn popped out too,

Harry did his popular hair fling thingy the moment he came out,

"You did'nt even know that?" Noelle asked Louis,

Louis turned to her, "Um yeah, we just knew that a group of girls from Silver Oak won the lucky draw,"

Harry spoke, "Hey as long as it's girls it doesn't matter where they're from," he did a dimpled smirk on,

From my side eye, I saw Megan doing an eye roll and then turning somewhere else,

"So, um, we'll all introduce ourselves now, shall we?" Liam said in his deep and strong British accent,

Aw Liam, he said 'we' instead of 'you' because that won't be polite enough, the boys don't need to introduce themselves, everybody knows them!

"I'm Liam,"

"I'm Louis," Louis smiled,



"Zayn," Zayn said in the end, now it was our turn,

"I'm Noelle!" Noelle chirped,

"Aiden," I grinned,

"Rayanne, but people call me Ray,"


"Megan," Megan smiled,

"Okay so, Aiden, Rayanne, Noelle, Gretchen and um..." Liam struggled to remember Megan's name,

"Megan," Harry prompted,

"Yes Megan," Liam smiled apologetically, "ready to leave?"


-Megan's POV-

While Liam was being his normal self, I met Harry's eyes for a fraction of a second and averted them,

"Let me help you with that," Zayn picked up Aiden's luggage and the others boys mirrored him, we helped them too, except Gretch, yeah she's just lazy that way.

Me, Gretch and Rayanne got inside the first car, while the rest went in the other one, there's was an 8-seater, so they all fitted in very easily,

In our car, I took up the co-driver's seat as ours was only a 5-seat er,

We drove the first kilometre in awkward silence, a few talks here and there were followed by awkward silence yet again,

"They look pretty quiet too," Rayanne said looking at the ride where Aiden, Harry, Niall, Zayn and Noelle were seated,

Louis nodded to himself and said, "I've got an idea," he took out his phone, quickly dialed a number and, "Yeah Zayn? Tell your driver to stop, yep, thanks,". He then tells our driver to stop too,

We all had confused faces when we all stopped. Louis got out of the car and we lowered our windows,

He was saying something to the people of the adjacent vehicle, he came back with a smile and said, "Let's move into that one,'

Oh so now I get it, ten of us in the same car, good idea, maybe. We sent the driver to the smaller car. Liam sat in the driver's seat, I sat on the co-driver's again. Behind us were Louis, Noelle, Zayn and Rayanne. And at the end, Harry, Aiden, Niall and Gretchen were sitting together.

One thing I have to say, Louis' plan of dumping the awkwardness was amazing. It worked something which works out. Because we put the volume high and started bouncing in our seats, poppng our heads, making hand gestures like those in the videos and singing along with the music.

"Increase the volume, Megan!" Aiden was saying something I could not hear,

"Whaaat?" I asked honestly,

"She said increase the volume," Niall said, I still couldn't hear anything,

"He said, do this," Liam said much softly and clearly and turned the volume up. Oh so that's what they were saying...

I must say, Liam is a pretty smooth driver, the blasting music isn't even bothering him, he's almost dancing too,

We played all the LMFAO, Flo rida, T-pain, Usher and other artists' party songs,

Then we decided to pause the music player and give our ears some rest, we were all sleepy by now,

Harry hummed, "Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby..."

OKAY...he's either too naive to not know the meaning of the song or too careless to sing it in a car full of his band mates and some girls he's never met before.

Well the song's about a blowjob.

I think everyone was wondering that but nobody pointed it out,

"Oh I love that Flo rida song!" Noelle said, she clearly ranks in the 'naive' column.

" guys do know the real and dirty meaning of the song right?" Aiden said uncertainly,

"No, what is it?" both of them turned to her,

Zayn smiled to himself.



So I know that Liam can't drive but I included that in the story cause he just seems like the person who'd drive, he's just so papa-ish ;)

Love ya'll <3

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