Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

We stood there for a few moments, long enough for me to actually think . Come to think of it….he did …kinda slow down….hmm…he did….OH NO!

“Why did you loose purposely?” I said with no hint of humor in my voice.

“Wow, you girls are so…werent you just saying that you didn’t believe me?” Liam questioned.

“Uhh…I know…we’re girls,” LAME, “so yeah, why did you?”

“You want to know the true truth?” he asked.

“No I want to know the fake truth Liam James Payne! Oh come on!” I said and he smiled at the mention of his full name.

“Well let’s see, you, unlike the other girls, did take the competition seriously and therefore didn’t well you know loose intentionally….and…” Liam continued.

Man, if he gets any more cuter and nicer, I’ll pass out right here. I mean there’s a limit to being as so much polite. He’s too good for his own sake.

“….yep” Liam ended.

“Uh…yeah cool.” I said.

“Cool? Were you listening to me?” he said uncertainly.

“I was,” I lied. I was freaking dizzy by your beauty, you moron!

“Okay then….bye.” and he went.

I realized I’d been standing there for 20 seconds just smiling.

The girls will go crazy when they get to know about this.

-Aiden’s POV-

Rayanne looked so happy today. Sigh. She met Liam. I hate the fact that One direction is slowly becoming our secret recipe to happiness. I hate it.

I looked at my alarm clock. 3am. Why can’t I sleep? Sleep sleep sleep sleep I told myself.

Ehh…no use, I’ll just have to go and get some fresh air, I guess.

I walked down the not-so-brightly litted hallway.

 Walked and walked hearing only the creek-creeks of the crickets.

Then I heard something, okay, so I don’t have the best ears in the world, this means whoever’s making that noise is a total amateur. Where’s the sound coming from? I concentrated. Left. I followed it.

It’s the store room for the girl’s half of Silver Oak.

I neared the door. Stop it Aiden! You’re not some Nancy Drew or Scooby Doo….did that just rhyme?....I made a mental not of not making fun of horror movies….because…it happens…when you’re in the situation you have to open the door or head somewhere alone.

I slowly opened the door to find some guy, dressed up in what my age guys would dress up in, chomping on some commercial cereal. Relief washed over me. I thought it was some burglar….a hungry burglar…

I came near him and said, “You really shouldn't be here, you know, Mrs Sumo wrestler’s always on the rounds.” Pfft why do boys even do this? He must be probably having a hot time with one of the girls… the store room…..and then…he must be hungry….yeah that makes sense.

At my words he jerked up. Oops, I must have scared the living hell out of him. Guess a small little warning would have been better.

He turned around to look at me, his face only inches away from mine.

No way.

Oh my God.

Louis Tomlinson.


Sorry for the really really short chapter guys (: I’ve been kind of busy…

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P.s I love you all!

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