I got a blowjob while I was giving a presentation through Skype.

When I started work 3 years ago my lunches started going missing from the fridge, so I started bringing in sandwiches laced with dog shit, fly spray, spit etc... I'd estimate a good 200 lunches have been stolen/eaten in that time frame and it just makes me grin ear to ear knowing that kunt thinks he is getting one over on me. How sweet the karma.

I can't feel the sides of my GF's vagina because my penis is so small.

I'm a real life Trap. My name is Lucia.

My name is Jimmy Casket, the world's most renowned murderer. I'm gonna put ya in a casket, 'cause my name's Jimmy Casket! Ya better start ruinnin' cause the Kidnapper, and The Breather aren't the only ones in town. >:)

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

Halloween may be over but I'm not gone..I am AntiSepticEye.. it was only the beginning. You are next.

I had an obsession... An obsession with these sexy YouTubers like Razzbowski, Markiplier and Santa

"oh, uh, jesus christ... man, fuck this. i got something to confess. give me the keyboard, don't look."

i can't bring myself to truly accept myself


yoongi, still being able to see the screen (screen share... heh. what an idiot, never turned it off), hadn't really paid much attention as he was still paranoid of everything going on; was his computer being hacked, or maybe some malware installed on it that he never knew of? maybe he should cover his camera, maybe that got hacked into. or maybe he should just hang up the call, maybe he was getting himself into trouble; maybe he was the one that was going to get kidnapped, maybe he was the one that was going to get himself killed whereas jimin and taehyung survive, maybe he-

genuinely thinking of hanging up the call with them

what happened are they just messing around or

idk but i feel unsafe like really unsafe

but they need someone to watch over them otherwise theyll get kidnapped or something bad will happen to them

do u think ur being watched

yeah kinda i might go offline for a bit and hang up so i can look thru my computer cus... idk i think there's malware on it

and i don't really want to lose anything else

do u want me to be on call with them while u

do that

yeah if u can

ok wait i'm gonna call of u guys and then u hang up ok


"hey guys, um, namjoon is gonna go on the call with you guys instead. i need to go do something, but i'll be back. he's just gonna watch over you and stuff, so... yeah. i'll be back," he spoke into the mic and shut off the call, not even letting them react. afterwards he got some piece of a sticky note and stuck it on his webcam camera, looking through his computer for any files he should back up.

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