I am 23, and I currently know of several, very horrible projects the u.s. is planning, mostly because I'm the director of that secrete agency. If your reading this, it's too late, my guilt is killing me, please leave the country soon.... thousands will die... oh god, what have I done.....

I want to expose myself in a public place.

Murder being illegal is the only reason I haven't murdered before. I'd like to murder. Not serial killer type murders but just murder people who have wronged me. But getting caught murdering has GOT to be one of the SUCKIEST things ever. So I won't murder. Murder.

I knew there were civilians in there before I pulled the pin on the grenade that killed seven people. I walked away and lite a smoke.

I have this fantasy of breaking into someone's house and pee on all of the most valued things

Okay, so im a 19 year old girl and come from a shit trauma filled childhood, am slightly mentally unstable. And the thought of a psychopathic murderous sociopath man is a huge turn on for me. Fml
child abuse hotline in authors note ! much love<3

I have a collection of all my past girlfriends because oddly they just give them to me when it's "time to go to town".

I've always wanted to be kidnapped and raped. I'm 22 and the thought of someone stalking me, kidnapping me, and raping me turns me on so much. I have been raped in the past. Something is wrong with me...I know.
sexual assault hotline in authors note ! much love<3

Ok well I don't know if the world is ready for this but here goes nothing. When I go to church some times I fart and when someone smells it and looks I nod my head to blame the person next to me.

I want to kill my mother so damn bad. I want to fucking knife her.

One day, I may be a serial killer. I don't know when, but I know why. I hate a lot of people, mostly sluts and assholes. Maybe I'm just thinking I'll do it because I'm 18 and still getting through testosterone fueled anger, but let's hope I'll grow out of it.

One time I fucked my friends parents.

I'm straight, but I get off to gay porn. I would never date a man tho its gross

I have been cheating on my husband with a married man. The guy I'm cheating with just left his wife because he wants to be with me. I have no plans of leaving my husband. I'm still going to sleep with him...I don't feel bad for leading him on.

I've stolen hardcore porn back in the days when CCTV wasn't a thing and when barcodes weren't scanned. Almost got caught and stopped...but not before I liberated most of their Japanese porn stock

I hate it when someone calls me bro. I ain't your fuckin' bro, OK?

I voted for Trump. Forgive me America

this must be what catholic priests go through in confession booths. im sure they find it hard to sleep

Sometimes I wish my family and my friends were dead, just to see if I'd be sad. Screw me.

So... When I was a kid, my friend and I stole money from a church in our neighborhood and the pastors bike. We grew up in the "bad part" of the city. Anyway...I think we were 9 or 10 yo when we did it. How fucked up is that? :D

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