Love is an open door

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Spot POV
It was karaoke night and I also have a special surprise for Race. Tonight I'm gonna propose to him. I really hope he says yes I think to myself as I'm looking at the gold band with three emerald crystals on top.

 I really hope he says yes I think to myself as I'm looking at the gold band with three emerald crystals on top

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(This is what it looks like)

Then all of a sodden the door burst open. I quickly closed the ring box and put it behind my back and prayed that Race didn't see it. "Hiya little brother" I rolled my eyes as I realized it was just my idiotic brother and not my idiotic boyfriend.

"Three things first what are you doing here? Second you almost gave me a heart attack." I said while glaring at him. "And lastly I'm only a year younger than you Jack" "I came here so we could discus the plan of you professing your love to Race." He said while laughing at me and jumping onto the couch to sit next to me. "I already have a plan" "well I'm pretty sure mine is better" "whatever Jack just tell me."

"Ok so since we all know your a sap you and Race are gonna sing love is an open door from frozen since as we all know that is his favorite movie." I nodded my head at that. "And at the part were Hans proposes your gonna propose." "ok even though it sounds all mushy and full of emotion." "will it kill you to act human just for one second?"

"Yes yes it will" we both started laughing at that. Then the door busted open again this time being my boyfriend. "Hey babe. I'm home,you here?" "Did you hear Spot Race called me babe it's clear on who he loves more now" "oh yay Jack's here" Race said while walking over to the couch. I quickly put the ring in my pocket so he wouldn't notice.

Race sat down then Jack got up and said his goodbyes. "Hey baby how was work?" "sh!t" "I'm sorry" "eh I'm just glad it's over and that Jack always has good alcohol at karaoke night. I am so ready to get wasted!" He said with a smile on his face.

"So yeah about getting wasted. I think we should both not cause I feel like something really big is gonna happen tonight." I tried to tell him. "Eh I guess your right. I'm gonna go take a shower." he said while getting up. "Care to join me?" he said while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I stood up and went a little weak in the legs. "S-sure" I said while gulping.

Time skip to Jack's

I was so nervous me and Race are about to go up. Everyone knows besides Race that I'm gonna propose. Me and Race walk up to Jack's beat up crappy karaoke machine and I pick the song. His face lits up with glee when he hears the song. We both start singing im Hans and he's Anna.

We close to the end of the song. Here it comes. "Can I say something crazy?" "I love crazy" I notice everyone recording Jack then turns the music off. I drop to one nee while hold Race's hand I take out the ring and ask "will you marry me?"

Race gasps and nodes his head yes. "Yes oh my god yes yes!" He pulls me up into a kiss and I hear all of are friends start to chear. "I love you pretty boy" "I love you two my little Spotty boy"

I promise i will get the prompts. Also I thought this would be cute I mean I honestly would love to be proposed to this way.

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