Illeium's Men

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The life of a warrior was simple. In the morning, we rose at dawn and went about our assigned task. While Arek was tasked to make rounds about the village, I patrolled our outer border with two other warriors. Afterwards, I was free until the evening rounds were made, when the border and village patrols switched places. The tribe's lands extended to the northern coast of the island, following a large, narrow stretch towards the interior of the land. That morning, as we rode along the beach, I noticed something odd.

Two boats, each with tall masts and dark sails, were approaching the island. Alarm shot through me, but also thrill. Could it have been Merun? But why would he be back so soon?

Luckily, one of my own men, Jeb, was with me. The other was a native northerner, though early in his years.

"You two go back and warn the tribe, tell them to evacuate. They could be invaders, sent to harm us. Don't let your guard down," I instructed them.

"But--!" Jeb tried to protest.

I gave him a stern look, "Go! If they're hostile, I'll slow them down. If not, I'm one of the only ones who can speak their language."

Jeb conceded, taking the other warrior and running for the trees. I didn't attempt to conceal myself, instead dismounting and moving my horse into the shade to await their arrival. It wasn't long before a small dinghy was rowed towards the shore.

"Who are you?" I questioned the five large men in Merun's language before they had fully reached the shore. My weapon was drawn, my shoulders tense.

One of them was already getting out of the boat, his accent foreign as he replied, "You know the language?" The words were similar to Merun's tongue, but somewhat different also. I wondered if they belonged to a different dialect.

"Yes, what are you doing here?" I replied, my gaze never leaving them. I had a bad feeling about them.

A second man grinned broadly, clambering out of the boat. He, same as the first, wore a long beard and several weapons about his person. His hair was oiled back, his eyes dark and greedy. "We are explorers. We came here from Illeium to meet new people and trade with them."

They were lying. I could see it in their eyes. So I decided to lie as well. I put on a broad smile, feigning relief, "I'm so glad you found me. I was in a shipwreck some time ago and no one has come until now. There are not any people upon this island, but I have often seen fires on the island over there." I pointed to the south, where my people had discovered a second, smaller island some time ago. "I hadn't been strong enough to swim over there, but I will help you look."

"Shipwrecked?" The first man seemed skeptical.

A third man swore, throwing his hat down. This one was shaved, his pale hair tied back in a short ponytail. "Those Estraleons lied for that damn gold."

"If there really aren't people here, you wouldn't mind if we looked around, would you?" The first man questioned.

I sighed softly, "Not at all. Although I will warn you, it takes days to walk all over this island."

The fourth shook his head, "Days? The Estraleons didn't mention that! There won't be enough food left for the trip back!"

"Just a quick look," the first said.

He took a step forwards. And in that moment, I took my chance. Plunging my weapon deep into his gut, I growled, "Over my dead body, vermin."

The other four were on me in an instant, drawing their own weapons. I was strong though, and warded them off. I felt the power of my people surge through me, knowing I would lay down my life before I let these people hurt my tribe. Even so, the first man - whom I had originally thought was well on his way to the afterlife - tripped me. I soon found multiple swords at my throat.

"You'll pay for that," the third man snarled.

The first got to his feet, pressing a hand to the bloody wound. I realized that it wasn't nearly as deep as I had thought, and wouldn't kill him. "Get him up," the man commanded, "He'll be a fine addition to the slaves on the ship. And send more men onto the island. He's obviously protecting something here."

I snarled like a wild animal as they pulled me to my feet, biting the closest one to me. He yelled in pain, releasing me. I took that moment to swing at one of the others, my fist colliding with flesh.  Even so, they quickly grabbed me again, forcing my hands behind my back. My weapon - red with blood - was lying in the sand.

Trying something different, I collapsed. The men holding me grunted in annoyance, trying to pull me back to my feet. But I was heavy and stubborn. I pulled them to the ground also, and they cried out in surprise, releasing me as they tried to remain standing. I rolled for my weapon, my hand tightening around the handle as I leapt to my feet.

The first man cracked his knuckles, grinning, "Fiesty one, eh? I'll enjoy breaking you for sure."

I lunged for him. If this guy really thought he could talk to me that way, he had another thing coming. But he slipped just out of my path, a smug smile upon his lips. My sword came down into thin air, the others using that moment to push me down. I hit the ground, my fingers still clutched to my weapon. They pressed their knees into my back, prying the weapon from my hands and hefting me back up.

Honestly, I didn't care what happened to me. All that mattered at this point was that I bought enough time for my people to protect themselves.

The men bound me, pushing me to my knees in the small dinghy. One would take me to the boat, while the others would comb the island. But I wasn't done putting up a fight. I bit the closest one to me, causing him to cry out in pain. The first one hit me upside the head with the hilt of his sword, and I was out cold.

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