Chapter Nineteen

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"Always listen twice. First what's being said,and then who said it."

Terrence Howard

08:40 Morning

It's one of those Saturday where I have to work because of a court case but it's what I love to do so I don't mind. Taraji is mad about it but it's one of her moods so I'm gonna get into it. I finished dressing up and Taraji was laying bed with a fruit bowl mean mugging me.

Terrence:Will you stop looking at me like that and help me with this shirt?
Taraji:Not in the mood I'll go fix breakfast.

She got up from the bed and walked out making sure to slam the door.
Man Taraji can really fuck up someone's mood so early in the morning and I can't be dealing with her tantrums with this case hanging over my head.

I walked downstairs Brooklyn and Taraji were already eating their breakfast and Taraji made it a point to place my plate opposite hers.

Brook:Well guys I have an interview today
Taraji:Really that was quick
Terrence:Which company?
Brook:Haines international
Taraji:Well I'm happy for you baby and so proud and I hope you do well
Brook:Thank you Ma unlike someone else

Great now the whole house is mad at me,man fuck all this I'm getting out of this house.

Terrence:I'll be back at about 2 o'clock
Taraji:Baby please do the dishes I have to take a shower
Brook:No problem

She got up and headed upstairs,I'm not even gonna try to speak to her while her emotions are still this high cause I'm not looking for another argument.

2 o'clock

I'm glad this cause is about to be over because it has put a lot of strain on my relationship,the overtime and me coming home late so the verdict is next week then I'm done with it.

Dianna:Terrence thank you so much for this,I really don't know how to thank you
Terrence:It's my job so it's fine
Dianna:No let me buy you a thank you lunch at least please
Terrence:Really its no big deal
Dianna:I insist so lunch on me
Terrence:Okay its fine where are you taking me Ms Williams

I hope this lunch is as innocent as she says because if not Taraji will murder my ass okay.

Taraji P Henson

I've been dreading going to the doctor but I have to go fetch my results because I was here the other day.ź I'm here now because I really need to know if I'm pregnant or not. I want a baby badly but I don't think Terrence and I are ready at this point because we are not on the same page with everything. He is always at work with the law firm and his own company he is never home and it's just so annoying.

I walked into Dr Wilson's office because she was already waiting for me and I know her very well so I trust her.

Dr:Taraji I'm glad to see you again
Taraji:Well I'm here now
Dr: take a seat please.

I took a seat opposite her and she grabbed a final which is my I guess.

Dr: I know you were a bit worried the last time you were here but I promise you everything is fine.
Dr:I got your test results back and your a indeed pregnant.

Pregnant... I really don't know how to feel about this but I've wanted a baby all my life .

Dr:You're nine weeks pregnant and here is the prenatal meds I prescribed for you,you'll get them by the reception.
Taraji:Wow I can't believe this.
Dr:i know it's a shock but let it sink in because you're carrying a beautiful life and it's gonna be an amazing journey. Would you like to see your baby?
Taraji:No I'd like to do it when Terrence is here with me
Dr:Okay its fine just continue with the way your are because every ting is perfect but avoid working late or long hours. I see you next month
Taraji:Okay thank you so much.

Man I just this baby doesn't change anything between Terrence and I,even though we are not on the same page at the moment I still love him with everything in me and I'm happy to be carrying his baby. I hope he'll be happy as I am.

I decided to just go to my house to get a few of my stuff since I'm always at his house,he's been pestering me about totally moving in with him but with the way things are between us I don't think we are ready to take that big step. I drove out of the hospital and my phone started ringing since it's connected with the car Bluetooth I answered it on speaker.

Taraji:Taraji P Henson...
Phylicia:It's Phylicia
Taraji:Oh hi,how may I help you?
Phylicia:It's about tomorrow are you and Terrence still coming?
Taraji:As far as I know
Phylicia:Well I want us to clear the air about everything so we don't have an awkward day tomorrow
Taraji:Oh okay so you want us to meet up?
Phylicia:You can come to the house if you don't mind,you still remember?
Taraji:Yea I'll be there in 20 minutes

Man what does this woman want from me now because I'm definitely not in the mood for her stupid games and the only reason I've been cordial with her is because of her son. I arrived within 15 minutes and rang the door bell and some short lady answered the door.

Taraji:This is the Howard residency right?
Yvette:Yes I'm Yvette Mrs Howard is expecting you,I'll lead you to the patio.

This house is so beautiful and very homely.
Phylicia was already seated with a glass of mimosa,I took a seat opposite her.

Phylicia:Taraji thank you for coming
Taraji:No problem what's up?
Phylicia:I just wanted to apologise for mistreating for the past few months and I can finally see that you really love my son and you're perfect for him
Taraji:Oh okay.
Phylicia:I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me
Taraji:I don't even need to forgive you,it was just annoying to be honest because you were the main source of our arguments and I just tried to be nice on multiple occasions but it's fine.
Phylicia:Can we hug it out?

I stood up to give her a warm heart felt genuine hug

Yvette:Sorry to disturb but Mrs Howard is by the lounge

Yvette left and Phylicia led us to the lounge where "Mrs Howard" was seated,I hope this isn't one of her stupid stunts because I'll literally slap her this time.

At least it was some old lady who clear made herself at home and this is the first time I've ever seen Ms Phylicia so riled up just by looking at her face.

Phylicia:What are doing here London?
London:Shut up and take my bags upstairs, don't you ever get tired of hearing your own voice Phylicia? And who is this beautiful?
Phylicia:This is Terrence's grandmother and this is Terrence's girlfriend
London:My grandson did a good job on this one you're the prettiest of them all
Phylicia: I'll let you two talk and I'll get you some tea

Phylicia got up and left me with the senior Mrs Howard who kept starring at me

London:Taraji Is it?
Taraji:Yes Mam
London:Come sit here

She patted her hand on the empty side next to her and I took a seat.
She placed her hand on my stomach and looked into my eyes

London:You take good care of my great grandchild okay

This is just weird,how does she even know when I confirmed it today

Taraji:Okay I guess

Finally updated

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