Chapter Nine

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"Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are".

Taraji P Henson

Wednesday  07:15

Happy...It's been a very long time since I've been happy and that may be because of Terrence or just bring from Idris but either way I'm just glad I feel the way I do.
Though it feels strange being in a relationship immediately after my divorce but it is what it is.

I finished applying my make up and made it downstairs to make some breakfast but the buzzer went off meaning there is someone at the gate,I pressed the answer button

Taraji:Who is it?
Taraji:Me who?
Terrence:Open up
Taraji:I asked me who?
Taraji:I'll open for you

I buzzed him and continued fixing my breakfast he'll walk himself in,before I could even turn my attention to him I felt his arms around my waist and he placed a kiss on my neck? I swear neck kises get me weak. He moved and sat on the stoll opposite facing me

Taraji:Morning Terrence, What are you doing  here so early in the morning?
Terrence:I came to see my baby

I'm not blushing

Taraji:Okay,you want breakfast?
Terrence:You cooking for me now huh?
Taraji:Don't get used to it

I fixed our plates and he didn't waste time devouring his food, I just can't help but see him and I on a long term basis. I don't want to jinx it but I wouldn't mind marrying again but if it's just him,I didn't realise I was staring at him before he called out my name

Taraji:I didn't mean to stare was just in deep thought but did you really just come here to see me Terrence?
Terrence:I'm for real you're my girlfriend
Taraji:Yeah I'm your girlfriend
Terrence :Don"t you want me to take you to work?
Taraji:You want to take me to work?
Terrence:Actually I'm taking you to work, grab your stuff and let's go

I don't get told what to do thou

Terrence:I'll be waiting in the car

Terrence Howard


Man I sometimes hate my job because some of my clients actually think I'm a fool,some guy just walked out whom I'm gonna be representing. He committed murder but denying it and I know for sure he did because I've been doing this for a very long time. I looked at the time and it was heading for lunch but I'll skip that because I wanted to have lunch with Taraji but she sent me a text saying she will be in a meeting. I never saw myself dating after my divorce with Vanessa but here I am gushing over this wonderful woman whom is my girl,I mean who gets to say that they are dating Taraji P Henson,I really like her and I hope she feels the same way. Nola walked in and placed the files I had asked for

Nola:Mr Howard your mother is here
Terrence:Just let her in
Nola:No problem

My mother is just here probably because she saw the pictures of Taraji and I all over and wants to order me to get back with Vanessa which is not gonna happen EVER.

Phylicia:Terrence what the hell am I hearing about you and this woman?
Phylicia:Don't Mom me,I thought you don't date your clients.  She just left someone for heavens sake and I thought you said you are gonna fix things with Vanessa
Terrence:I never said I'm gonna fix things with her,you said that! What I did say was I don't date my clients but Taraji and I started dating after her case was handled
Phylicia:I still don't want you and that girl together there is just something about her that I don't like about her. She thinks she's better than everyone,you can tell by her attitude towards
Terrence:You don't even know her Mom
Phylicia:Well I know about her and the obsession your daughter has with her
Terrence:That's Brooklyn but I'm with her and please respect that
Phylicia:So you really don't want to fix things with Vanessa?
Terrence:No I won't so please stop with that
Phylicia:Well I want to meet her

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