Chapter Six

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"Don't waste your words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all"

Terrence Howard



I didn't think this case was gonna be easy but I didn't expect to be this hard especially when Idris's lawyer is my ex wife but I'm not sweating Vanessa is a good lawyer but not a great one.

Vanessa:Your honor I'd like to call to call Mr Alba to the stand
Magistrate:Mr Alba you may take the stand
Vanessa:Mr Alba how many years have you been married Ms Henson?
Idris:Eight years
Vanessa:Was she a good wife?
Idris:Not that I can remember
Vanessa:So she was a bad wife?
Terrence:Objection,thats pure speculation
Idris:Lets just say power got to her head
Vanessa:Do you have any children?
Idris:No,she always said she doesn't have time for children, she's a career woman
Vanessa:Your honor, my client has been living with this woman for the past eight years of his life and he was never appreciated.  All she cared about was herself and her money,Mr Alba has supported Ms Henson when she was down and out and now she wants to take everything that my client helped her archieve all these years
Terrence:Objection my lord,speculation
Magistrate:Get to the point Ms Williams
Vanessa:My client invested every cent he had to help Ms Henson buy her first business and today she is a multi-millioner but won't share her millions. No more questions your honor.

I up stood to ask Idris a few question just to insettle him because he is too comfortable.

Terrence:Mr Alba when was the last time you were employed
Idris:A few years back
Terrence:What is a few years back, two years ago three years ago?
Idris:Ten years ago
Terrence:So you have been living of Ms Henson's wealth since you've been married
Vanessa:Objection your honor, speculation
Terrence:Withdrawn. When you married Ms Henson was she well of financial wise?
Idris:Yes but it was her families money
idris:Yes she did
Terrence:I have no further questions
Magistrate:The session will proceed in two hours,court is adjourned.

Taraji and I stood outside the corridor, I can tell she was trying to process this whole thing because she was too quiet. Before I could even talk to her I could see Vanessa heading our direction,she's just a messy human and I don't want to intimidate Taraji with her words

Vanessa:Ms Henson, Terrence...
Taraji:Ms Williams
Terrence:What do you want?
Vanessa:Why so hostile Terrence? I wanna see my daughter

Great,i wanted to tell Taraji about Vanessa myself but she just had to be messy

Taraji gave me a confused look

Terrence:She's Brooklyn's mother
Vanessa:You need to stop poisoning my daughter against me and the next time you sleeping with one of your clients don't let them drive my daughter to school or any where for that matter

How the hell did she know about that because I know Brooklyn wouldn't tell her

Taraji:I'll be in the car

Taraji walked away,i don't know if she's mad or pissed because you can never tell with her

Vanessa:Since when do you let your clients around our daughter Terrence?
Terrence:That is none of your business
Vanessa:She ain't all of that anyway
Terrence:You right she's a whole lot more, look stop trying to use Brooklyn to get back with me it's not gonna work.  I don't want you Vanessa that's why I divorced you.
Vanessa:Tell Brooklyn to answer her phone the next time I call her. You can follow your girlfriend,she's probably crying in the car

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