Chapter Four

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" You're a good person, surrounded yourself with other good people"

Terrence Howard


I'm taking Brooklyn to Taraji's house and I just hope everything goes well because I know Taraji's personality and how my daughter can be much of a talker which is one if the things Taraji hates.

Brooklyn:I can't believe this is actually happening
Terrence:Its just for a few days and don't do anything that will tick her off, I don't want to have to come back and deal with her
Brooklyn:Dad she is a good person,under those expensive clothes and money there is a bit if good in her
Terrence:I know  she's a good person,she just doesn't know how to show it.  Don't ask her any personal questions or let her know of your obsession with her.
Brooklyn:Yeah you've said it a thousand times already,do you think she'll like me?
Terrence:She doesn't like anybody

Taraji P Henson

I've never had guests in my house before so I really don't know the gist of catering to a guest but I'll just go with the flow and try to be more accommodating, I fixed the guest bedroom so that's a start just after I finished the fixing up someone buzzed the security and it could only be Terrence. I went downstairs and buzzed them in.  I opened the door after a knock and there stood Terrence with this smirk that's always in his face and his daughter next to him.

She is beautiful, I don't normally complement people not because I'm insecure or jealous but I don't really look at them but Terrence's daughter is pretty.

Taraji:Hey,y'all can get in

I led then towards the lounge sat down with Terrence and his daughter facing towards me, I gave Terrence a look so he can introduce us. 

Terrence:Taraji this is my daughter Brooklyn and well she knows you
Brooklyn:Nice to meet you Ms Henson
Taraji:Call me Taraji
Taraji:Its pretty late would you like me to show you where you'll be sleeping?
Brooklyn:Let me fetch my stuff first

Brooklyn went out and Terrence kept on staring at me like I have something funny on my face

Taraji:Why you staring at me?
Terrence:No... It's just that you look different,you're wearing sweats and make up free I wasn't expecting it

Does he expect me to be wearing heels when I'm at home but I'll let this slide

Taraji:Well you won't always get to see me like this so engrave it in your memory
Terrence:I'll definitely do

He's always trying to flirt with me, I'm starting to let my guard down I can feel it

Taraji:Terrence stop you making me feel weird and stuff
Terrence:Okay sorry I'll stop

Luckily Brooklyn walked in with her bag and her laptop bag I think. I stood up from the couch and led her to the guest bedroom.

Taraji:I hope this enough
Terrence:Its more than enough
Taraji:I was not talking to you
Brooklyn:Its perfect
Taraji:That's good, I'll give you sometime to talk and don't be afraid to ask if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen
Brooklyn:No problem

I walked downstairs and poured myself a glass wine and sat in the kitchen stool just unwinding, next week is gonna be hard work cause it's gonna be our first day in court but I'm ready, I have to be.


I hate people who shout especially in my house but if this is how normal people behave then I'm good with that.

Taraji:In the kitchen

I guess he followed my voice cause he walked in and looked around

Terrence:Your house is beautiful
Taraji:I know
Terrence:You're suppose to say thank you but I'll that slide. I'll have my driver fetch her every morning for school so can he bring her to your work place or straight here?

Why is he asking me? That's his daughter but I don't think I want a stranger driving up my place every day.

Taraji:I'll take her

He gave me a sceptical look

Terrence:Are you sure my daugther is too much and I don't want anything that will hurt her feelings or you feelings to happen
Taraji:I'm gonna try to be nice
Terrence:I trust you

When someone tells you that they trust you that's a big deal for me.

Terrence:I trust you
Taraji:Thanks I guess do you want something to drink?
Terrence:I thought you'd never ask. What are you offering me?
Taraji:Whatever you want

That came out so wrong

Taraji:I have wine, whiskey, juice what do you want Terrence?

I like him, I can't hide it

Terrence:A glass of whiskey please

I fixed his drink and passed it to him and he pulled his chair to sit next to me.

Terrence:We never got to talk
Taraji:Whose fault is that?
Terrence:I know so do you wanna talk?
Taraji:Its already late and you have a flight to catch in the morning
Terrence:I'll call you
Taraji:What you don't trust me with your daughter or something?
Terrence:So you don't want me to call you?

Girl you know want him to call you

Taraji:No... It's...  Terrence just go I want to sleep and it's late

He gulped his drink and stood up waiting for me to escort him to the door I guess

Terrence:You're a good person
Taraji:Don't lie to me, I know I'm not

I opened the door, and he stepped out and grabbed my hand

Terrence:You're a good person

Taraji still mad about the call, why?

She has dropped her attitude is there a reason behind all of that?

She offered to take Brooklyn to school, was that expected?

Are the two gonna get on like a house on fire?

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