She patted his shoulder, "it's the only way I can support our family."

I shook my head and grabbed my hoodie from the back of the couch and shrugged it on. Once I was safely cocooned in its blanket of warmth,I grabbed my backpack from the floor before swinging it over my shoulder. "Well, I have to go. If I don't leave now, I will never make it on time to catch the eye of the entire population. I have newgirl written on my forehead."

No one said anything as I left, I assumed it was because David was about to get into yet another argument with my parents. This was typical of him since my parents were never home when I was younger and David was the one to raise me. They had missed out on so much of our lives and I knew that David suffered more than I did, especially because he was already married and he struggled to juggle both lives. His wife,Julie lived with us but she had taken a mini vacation with her friends and wouldn't be back for a few more days. However, I didn't know what I had done to her but she seemed to hate me for unknown reasons. I wasn't sure if maybe I had just said something that she didn't agree with, or she just hated me because David and I were so close. Whatever reason, I hope she could work it out and come to like me; I had no problems with her.

I sighed and pulled my hoodie over my head, pushing my glasses further up on my nose. I owned contacts, I wasn't an idiot; I just couldn't physically force myself to wear them. For some reason, my eyes couldn't fathom anything going in or out and so I had to opt for wearing the glasses. I only needed them for reading, on or off electronic devices. It was simply just easier than pulling them off and putting them back on, so I chose to keep them on until school was over.

I turned my ipod on medium volume before scrolling through my assortment of songs and picking out a list that fit my mood. The song variety didn't exactly go with the theme of the day which was the New Girl's 32nd first day at a new school but I wasn't positive anything could go with that. So I just went with a good pick of songs.

Shaken-Hawk Nelson

Be My Escape- Reliant K

Incomplete-Backstreet Boys


YouFound Me- The Fray

Listen to Your Heart-D.H.T

Call me old school, but these were some of my favorite songs and they would give me the strength to walk to school and to clear my head. I know what I'm in for and I know that it's not going to be the worst day out of the entire year. I was probably one of the only teenagersthat still didn't have a license, mostly because my parents were never home and David didn't have time to teach me to drive.

AsI reached the school, I realized that it really wasn't as far as I Initially thought. I had only walked half of a mile and when we had lived in Ohio, it had taken me a mile and a half to walk to school.Those had been very long days indeed. It hadn't been so long ago, Ohio had been a really good place, I was welcomed with open arms and it had possibly been the only year that being the new girl didn't suck. Haylie, the only best friends that I had, she made everything worth it. We still kept in touch but it was hard because we never saw each other.

Triton High School was intimidating, that much was clear and I was almost afraid to take another step. Almost.

"Chuckles!" Nathan's voice gave me instant relief. He had remembered me; maybe it wouldn't be so bad here, after all.

"Sarah," Lilly said with a grin as I spun around to seem my two newly found friends. "Did you walk?"

I nodded, "unfortunately. I don't have my driver's license yet."

Meeting The Alpha (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now