The Life of A Hufflepuff (Chapter 33)

Start from the beginning

"No I won't!"

"You're a Gryffindor-"

"And what's that suppose to mean?" You and the motorbike were a few feet above the ground. Hagrid was focusing the scenery infront of him; in few words, he wasn't paying attention.

"Look Rebecca. If you really don't want to tell me. Tell me a story."

"Are you actually being serious?" She laughed.

"Yeah. Tell me a story. Maybe a Hufflepuff story. House elves in the kitchens ,cooking?"

"But you will-ugh Fine." She says scowling. "But you must not make fun of me."

"Why would I?"


"We would like 5 cakes, ok Harley?" Two chocolate and three vanilla. Someone is allergic to chocolate. So we just thought we'd get two." Rebecca and Elle were having a Hufflepuff Party. They went down to the kitchens to talk to the elves about what they would like. They had a full list on what people wanted and so they had gave it to the elves. They only changed one thing on the list: the cakes. They thought there no point in getting 6 cakes (3 chocolate and 3 vanilla) because all of it wouldn't get eaten and they didn't want left crumbs for evidence of the existence of the party. Elle recommended other cakes, but Rebecca just couldn't be bothered to do the effort of asking everyone if it was ok to have whatever cake, and which they wanted and so forth. She didn't even like cake (whatever type it was) so she wouldn't put any time of hers into it.

"Miss Runcorn, 4 cakes are already made for you."

"Oh Er thanks Harley." Rebecca said.

"Do you know when everything will be done?" Elle chipped in. Elle was Rebecca's best friend. They hang out together all the time and it was because of the two of them that this party was happening. They had a few enemies here and there (mostly the same people) but it was like they were the same person. They did everything together.

"Er, sorry Miss, but we are having a slight issue with the oven at the moment." The two friends look behind Harley where six elves were running around frantically, holding dish cloths, trying to get rid of the smoke that had erupted from the oven. They were all swinging their cloths around, some accidentally hitting fellow elves. One elf then stepped in front of the oven and clicked it's fingers. The smoke stopped pouring out from the top of the oven at once and everyone let out a relieved sigh. Another elf grasped oven gloves and had gently pulled out the cake and put it on a counter top. Every elf stared, gawping at the cake before one had poked it and flour had sprouted up exploding on the nearest elf's face. The elf had white powder blanketing it's appearance until it's grasped dish cloth was able to wipe some of the flour away and gave back the elf's sight. Silence invaded the room for a few seconds before everyone was suddenly moving again like nothing had happened. The exploded cake sat on the edge, looking like a real life bomb had set off inside it.

"We will give you your cake in the Hufflepuff common room, Miss Runcorn."

"Are you sure Harley?" The elf nodded her head. "Ok thanks a lot, if you need anything-"

"Yes Yes , Harley knows, the cake will be there soon."

Flashback end:

"It's great! Elves will make any food for you. Sorry, any food for a Hufflepuff or one elf that knows someone and they'll do it for them too."

"So you could go there and get anything?"

"Anything. And all you have to do If tickle the pear in the painting of the bowl of fruit."

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