The Rumours (Chapter 8)

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You find Hagrid at the exiting door of the cells. He looked tired so you offered to leave. He nodded as both of you were walking to his motorbike. "Hagrid? I think we need to talk."

"Oh ok." He stops in his tracks and turns to face you. "Wha up Y/N?"

"It's..........Sirius. There's a lot he told me privately and it kinda freaked me out." Hagrid rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Y/N. I bet yer anythin' tha Black told yer are lies. All o them!"

"But I don't think it is ,Hagrid. All the things he said fitted. Like Belletrix being my biological mother and-"

"How dare E'! He was told not to! That was private and confidential! On Dumbledore's orders!"


"Oh I shouldn't of said tha!"

"I need to go back to Hogwarts!"

"Yer can't Dumbledore said!"

"Hagrid please it's my choice not yours not Dumbledore's!"

"I can't-"

"Just do it Hagrid......please?" Hagrid sighed again and agreed. You both climbed into his motorbike and flew across Azkaban.

"Wha else did Black say eh?"

"He said...............he said that Padilius Peverell was my father and that Belletrix killed him. But, I just need to know more. I need to know the full story." You look up at Hagrid's disappointed face. "I know you know Hagrid. Why not tell me?"

"I-I-I can't...."


"I've already betrayed Dumbledore enough today. Im not doing any more damage." You seem confused yet sit in silence for ages. Not even looking at Hagrid. You look down at the ground to see cars flying past on the motorway. Not paying attention you look up at the sign and it reads 'London'.

"No you're taking me back home! I don't want to go home. My father won't be there! Hogwarts is my home! I need to go back!"

"I'm not taking you home! I'm taking you somewhere-" In a blink of an eye, a red shot appears in the night sky and hits Hagrid square in the chest. He immediately falls unconscious while the bike drops aiming to crash into the surface. With your heart beating like the pace of Usain Bolt, you stand on the motorbike and lean to the steering where you were successfully able to land it. Not injuring anyone but the motorbike its self. You get Hagrid onto the cold grass where he lay flat ,not moving a muscle. Terrified, you look up into the sky yet no one became visible. You thought of everything possible reason to why a lightning red blast hit Hagrid. At first you thought someone did it but then it didn't become so clear. Did Hagrid do something wrong? Is someone on the hunt for him? Was the spell suppose to hit me? Did black do it because of Hagrid's hate towards him? Or was it something out in the ordinary? All these questions zoomed in and out of your mind. With only a pinch of hope left, you screamed for help for several minutes before seeing a blast of red light in the sky and feeling queasy and tired. Your sight becoming blurry, you fall to the ground unconscious.......

You wake in a hospital wing with students running in and out of the room. You looked around for Hagrid but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead Harry was the bed opposite yours. The whole Gryffindor team was surrounding him. "How. Dare. You!"

"Hermione! What a surprise! You brought Ron with you I see." She was livid with a red face. "I've noticed you've been giving me looks in the corridors. Both of you. And I would like to know the reason."

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