Dumbledore's Office (Chapter 12)

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You rush your way to the Headmasters office, your hair flying behind you because of the wind. "I'm FAST AF BOIIIIIIII" you scream in the corridors just for some old banta that you now feel you never have. With a weak smile etched on your face, you reach the griffin of Dumbledore's office. "Er-password-Right.....errrr." You look around and just say random words. "Table, floor, walls, griff-"

"Sherbet Lemon." The Griffin opens to reveal a staircase. You look over to see a smirk plastered on Draco's face.

"It was you....wasn't it?"

"Jeeezzzz thought it would take a mudblood longer than that to answer a simple answer. " You furrow your eyebrows and scowl at him. "Yes I know I'm attractive, now, I think you have somewhere to be."

"You're not my boss. Leave yourself out. Your not welcome in my world."

"Oh please..." he snarls

"You think you're big. When really you're petty." You stomp up the staircase avoiding Malfoy's cheeky smirk. As you reach to the top of Malfoy's sight you shot him a glare and continue your way up the stairs.

"Yeah, very funny L/N! You and Pothead are going to be great friends. Both manipulate and hurt. Oh and you with Granger! Two mudbloods mix well."

You walk back down the stairs, the top of Malfoy's sight. "You really have cheek. You are horrible, disgusting, vile! How DARE YOU! A mudblood! We all have equality!"

"Now I know the Gryffindor Pride! Always opposite of Slytherin. You're a dog on a leash." You narrow your eyes and head to Dumbledore's office, ignoring the snide comments that Malfoy had said on your way up.

You didn't believe Sirius anymore. You thought you were stupid to anyway. You're a Gryffindor and Belletrix (the unspoken ,unseen despicable mother) a horrible torturous Slytherin. So is Malfoy. And both of you are the absolute opposites. You didn't understand. No matter how hard you tried to fit the puzzle pieces together. They just didn't fit. It didn't seem to connect at all.

As you approach the opening to Dumbledore's office, voices echo your ears.

"No, do not tell the Malfoy's. It is unnecessary."

"It is a blood line. She needs to tell both boys about her parents. She's related to the two rivals in this school. Two of the most famous students in this school together. She will be key to house union. Peace with the lion and the serpent."

"Peace will only require if students are willing. Blood will not be the answer with the friendship of two houses. You must understand that Cornelius."

"Oh please Albus! You haven't done anything for the girl!"

"Cornelius, there's a lot you won't know. L/N is standing behind this door right at this time." You look through the key hole to see Dumbledore summon his wand. He points it to the door and it reveals you, your broken appearance." Fudge scoffs and walks out the door immediately closely followed by his aurors. Hagrid was a part of the conversation but left willingly to leave you and Dumbledore alone.

You look around mesmerised with the ornaments,pictures and candles scattered everywhere around the room. You recognised Dippit (the previous headmaster if Hogwarts) Because you learnt about him in History of magic not that long ago. The amount of weird objects Dumbledore put his around his room were countless. They were so interesting that you wanted to ask about each one of them. Your eyes finally appeared to the blazing red Phoenix ,Fawkes. You approach the male creature and stroke him gently, you then turn your attention to Dumbledore.


"Y/N." He nods his head and smiles. "Care for one?" He points to a bowl of what looks like sweets. "Sherbet lemon" he says "I think? By the way they are a bit sharp." You attempt to pick one up but you get bitten and decided to leave the bowl alone.

"So, Professor, were you expecting me to come to you. Sorry I was a bit late, I was helping-"

"Please Y/N" his eyes glistens under his half-moon specticals. He widens his grin "You don't need to explain yourself. Mr. Potter is ill and he needs curing,-"

"But professor, if you know he needs curing then why don't you?"

"You need to keep that curious mind away some times Y/N." He laughs to him self as he chews on one of his sweets again. "I know you got sent here by Professor Snape but there's something else I want to address with you." He sits down on his chair and grasps his two palms together. "Your father ,Padilius Peverell, is a known wizard. You should be a proud daughter. And ,I'm sure, you want to know a lot about him-" you forcefully nod your head "- since you already know quite a bit about your mother just from hearing her name." You look away from Dumbledore's eyes. Your pulse quickens.

"I still don't believe it sir."

"I still don't believe a lot of things that are proven true." You sigh "Your father is related to three very, very famous wizards. They did good even though in stories they are not what they wanted. Words don't defy something, Y/N. It's also about how you feel with it. Remember that." Dumbledore waits for a moment and then stares you in the eye. "Your father descended from a very famous family. He had a sibling, Daniel Peverell. Your father met your mother and they had you and for Daniel..........he met this beautiful young lady which took his heart away. He married her and instead of Daniel keeping his name, he took his wife's. They had a child named James which later led to a baby named Harry being born." You jump up in the chair in shock. You didn't believe it was true. Surely it wasn't. No it wasn't! But was it? Being related to both famous families. It couldn't be true. No........it wasn't..............."Daniel Potter was his name of his grave. The name he died upon. Which leads to you being related to-"

"Harry Potter."

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