The Awkward Kiss (Chapter 10)

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Luckily, you were excused from the hospital later that day but unfortunately for you (despite he was your crush) you weren't looking forward for meeting Harry in the common room at six. For some reason you just decided to avoid it the best you possibly could. 6:00pm came and all your friends were heading for their common rooms. Feeling queasy, you were eventually persuaded to go to yours too. The fat lady greeted you.

"Oh, you must be Y/N! You have a treat in there! Oh lucckkkkkyyyy you!" She wasn't saying it sarcastically either. It even sounded to you a bit flirtatious. You stood there with Sophie outside the painting. The Fat Lady happily welcomed you inside but after several times of Sophie saying the password and the Fat Lady holding a grudge, Sophie just gave up and headed to the great hall.

Regretting not going with her, you walked inside the common room welcomed with roses scattered on the ground, love music playing and Harry with his soft sweet smile.  You stood confused as Harry pulled out his wand. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you stood and watched Harry make a sign saying Harry + Y/N. He then did a few tricks which you thought were pretty cool. He made Cupid appear from the ceiling and he gave you a bunch of lovely smelling flowers out of thin air. Part of you was loving it, the other part was saying , get to it mate! Eventually, Harry spins you around and cups your face. He then finally talks.

"I can't believe I saw right through it
Y/N. You, your personality and your beauty. Your awesomeness and your greatness." He spins you around "Your thinking of others." He then presses you against the wall. "Your brilliance."
He moves his head closer and closer before his lips become unbearable. He leans in slightly more and then they touch...
Savouring a long peaceful moment. Suddenly after the delight, you pull away.

"Sorry Harry I-"

"No worries." He said. "Instead would you like to be my girlfriend?" Your speechless face said it all. "I know. I'm worried too. About it being my first real relationship."
You thought ,despite the benefit of dating your crush was very appealing to you, it wasn't fair on Harry. He didn't admire you and he didn't like you not even as a friend really. You just thought for such a good guy that he really is, he deserves someone that he actually likes. And the love potion would decide his future. With so much pressure of him being 'the chosen one' you thought it was criminal to accept his offer.

"Sorry Harry but your not- well- you don't like me- well when you were normal- I - look just go and ask mia. There's something she-well-She needs to tell you- and Er Yeah-once you-Er-well get back to normal you'll-Er - lets just say thank me."

You leave him with his mouth open as you were heading to the door. He moves to block your exit however which angers you. He once again slams you against the wall. "Your my property Y/N, not the other way around. I know what I want." He forces his lips onto yours making you let out a 'hmpf'. You stay there for a quick moment before you slide away from his arms, feeling guilt wash over you. You head to the Great Hall, not even looking back.

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