Polyjuice Potion (Chapter 11)

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You ventured your way to potions, once again greeted by Snape's famous smirk. You sit down in your seat with Draco tensely staring at you.

"What are you staring at Malfoy?"

"What I er-" Malfoy thumbles around in his bag and puts all of his equipment out on the desk. Everyone knew you were an alright student and you rarely got told off - except by Snape (despite you sometimes not paying attention in class. Well the classes you didn't enjoy anyway). It only made you wonder if he was doing it to impress you but it was a stupid thought to you so you let it slide.

"Silence!" Snape spat glaring at everything living in the room. "This will be the last class Malfoy will be sharing with us so please show his some respect and gratitude before he leaves." You reacted slightly at Snape's statement. Maybe it was because of your endless attraction towards him.

" Now. This is your second to last lesson you will do on making a potion to cure boils. You will each do it with a partner and next lesson you will do it on your own." Snape turns to you "I'm presuming you would need help Miss L/N? Go with Malfoy." You turn to face Malfoys smirk sketched on his face.

"Right." You sigh "lets go and get our equipment."

"We?" He says. You furrow your eyebrows.

"Are you death?"

"No but.......your a mudblood and I don't like working with that kind."

"Lovely." You reply sarcastically with hatred. How the hell could you have fallen for him. And yet, he doesn't know your related. He wouldn't believe you anyway so what was the point of telling him. But he has to know at some point, right? As you picked up all the equipment that you needed, you stumbled while going to your desk. Malfoy noticed you and tripped you up, making you drop all the equipment in your hands and it shattering into pieces as you came tumbling down shortly afterwards. What made it worse was this was school equipment as you didn't have enough money to get your own. The cauldrons you were using was school property and you broke it in front of the teacher none other than Snape. Brilliant.

"L/N!" He cackled "Oh please! Was this you? Of course this was you! Go down to Professor Dumbledore! At least this is an alright reason to get sent down." Snape shows a frown "NOW!"

You hastily pack your bags and storm to the exiting door. Instead of waiting like last time, you went to Dumbledore's office just as you were instructed to do. All your mind was thinking about was Draco and ESPECIALLY Harry. You knew you had to find a cure to the love potion but you were a first year and you didn't have the mind like Hermione Granger. The percentage of success was not even close to a hundred. And Draco shares the same blood as you. Great. That's all you needed at the moment. You now wished that Sirius didn't share that information to you. You already had enough on your plate as it was.

Once you reach the Headmasters office, you were very puzzled. You would of at least thought that Snape would of shared you the password to get into the room (even write it on a postit note if needed) but no. He decided to give you rotten torture of waiting silently for Dumbledore. Or McGonagall. Or any of the teachers for Christ sake.

As you stood there looking absolutely idiotic, Hermione approaches.

"Jesus Christ! Hermione, thank god." You sigh relieved. Hermione however frowns at your comments and walks past you like you were thin air. You sprint to catch up to her. "No! WAIT! ITS ABOUT HARRY!" Hermione turns on her heel to face you. Her expression confused. "Please-it's-about- the -love potion-and-I-need-your-help......."

"How do you know about tha-"

"He kissed me in the common room." She gasps horrified. "Yeah I had the same reaction."

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