
She gave Minela a shy smile as she entered the room.

"Hello, ma'am. I have already prepared dinner and cleaned the living room. May I leave please?"

"Yes, you may. Have you done the laundry as well? "

"No ma'am but I was in a hurry so-"

"Well do it before you go."

"Well, it's late and today is my wedding anniversary so-"

"Just do.it.before.you.go. okay?" She asked sternly.

"Yes ma'am. " she lowered her gaze, wondering what was wrong with her.

"Good." She said, dismissing her.


Minela wandered in her house and was shocked to see that Gargoisse, the only maid that Minela got along with, was still here. Gargoisse was in her mid sixties, letting off a motherly and caring vibe. She adored Minela and often pitied her. She was the only one in the house who knew and cared about Minela and Ariven's marital life.

"Hey, Gargoisse. "

"Yes ma'am? " she asked politely.

"You're still here? I haven't seen you when I came, I thought you already left! "

"Oh no, I was sweeping the balcony. One of the maids may have spilled something there. "

"Do you have any idea who did it? Because it's so unfair that you should be cleaning up their mess every day when at this age, you should be the one doing the least amount of work!"

"Are you calling me old, ma'am? " She jokingly asked.

"Oh, not at all...I was just-"

"It's okay, ma'am. I was joking." She paused. "May I ask you a question? "

She continued when Minela nodded.

"I have seen the way this new girl, what's her name....yeah....Koshi....why do you let her enter your private life so much ma'am? I've noticed how Sir Ariven stopped bringing girls home after her arrival. Is it because she is the new mistress or something? "

Minela rolled her eyes.

"She is no mistress, Gargoisse. She's just his childhood friend and haven't I told you before that I don't care whoever he brings in this house. We only share this house-"

"Exactly! You share the house. It's not as if you bring men around the house! If he wants to have sex, let him but tell him to do it outside the house!" She said.

"Besides, I'm the one who has to clean their cum and shits..." she muttered in an inaudible voice. Fortunately Minela didn't hear her.

"You are right. I have to talk to him about it." She paused looking at Gargoisse.

"And, I also think you should attempt to tame him."

"Tame him?" She innocently asked.

"Yeah, don't mind it ma'am but I think you should also be held accountable for the way he treats you."

"Excuse me?" She asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, you not only let him do whatever he wants but you also never try to make him realise what he's missing. You walk around all day in your suit and at home, can you explain what you're wearing? "

"What's wrong with it?" She was annoyed now.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with it if you're eighty years old! But a young girl like you? For someone as pretty and young, you should be able to have anyone begging for you! But here you are, only viewed as a stern boss by everyone and a doormat by her husband !"

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