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Generally school on Monday morning was better than many thought would be.
Maybe because I had spent all of yesterday in the company of the Fey and without even a shred of angst from my family.
My own on the other hand, was a different thing entirely.
My mood suddenly darkened as I breezed through Calculus, English and Art periods.
I was dreading the last few classes I would have today which would place me within less than five metres radius of Ezra.
Yes I was avoiding him. I have been since this morning in the quad when I saw the Legion Boys arrive and park their stupendous bikes in their usual space.
Yeah Monday morning had been looking up until then.
When I had seen Margot delightedly climb down from behind his bike, beaming prettily in peach sundress with a burgundy satin sash billowing at her waist.
I tell him how fucking jealous I was and he rubs it in my face?!
I had half a mind to curse his Ducati.
I was pissed that I had ignored Chris and Micah when they called out to me albeit unfairly.
But I hadn't wanted to spend any more time in earshot of Margot whoring herself all over Ezra for fear of what I might do in bitterness.
When Toby had asked what was wrong, I gave him the abridged version and instantly cut him off from asking me more questions.
It was a good thing the Vincente twins knew me well enough to not pester and instead resulted to cheering me up.
Goodluck with that.
"Okay what the fuck!" the annoyed voice came as soon as the seat to the left of me was occupied.
I looked up from the apple I was digging ny nails into, juice dripping from my fingers and onto to the cafeteria table.
I raised a brow turning to Chris. "Don't you guys usually do lunch at Rita's?"
I asked to the consequence of him being here and causing eyes of students around to stray to one of the Legion Four at my table.
He was glowering at me. "Someone was being too much of a characteristic pussy for my good. And it looks like he isn't the only one today."
Chris answered pointedly, throwing a hint in there which I ignored to take.
"Where's Micah?" I sought to deviate the conversation but he seemed as adamant as I was.
Chris shook his head. "No you're going to tell me, what's the fucking deal with you two since Saturday? I know you came around and then this morning you totally threw me the cold shoulder."
He gave a pout that aged him backwards in a cute juvenile way.
I managed an apologetic smile. "Sorry." I mumbled sincerely.
"I'll take it when you explain. Ezra's being more of a dick than usual."
"I thought he was a pussy a few minutes ago?" An amused tilt at the edges of my mouth.
Chris shrugged. "Both aptly fit his attitude for days now." And he waited, peering at me.
You have no idea, Chris.
"It's nothing."
And then my friends dropped in to save me. I counted myself incredibly lucky to have these two.
"This is getting ridiculous. Can't I just have a peaceful lunch without Legion Boys dropping out of the fucking sky?" Eloise dramatically said with a feigned dark look at Chris.
Chris looked entirely stunned. The first since I've seen him and he took seconds to gain back composure, blinking at Eloise like she had dropped out of the sky.
"Maybe we should've considered that sex doll as our best friend. Senoy can't help himself." Toby intoned simply, bring into his sandwich.
"What?" My turn to be stunned. "You guys had a sex doll?"
Eloise turned her unabashed ire to her brother, knowingly. "He didn't last a week. Someone drowned Drogo and keeps denying it."
Chris cleared his throat from choking and I almost laughed.
"You named your sex doll after a barbarian warlord from that HBO show?" He held a lopsided rogue smirk at Eloise.
Toby narrowed his eyes comically at him and said. "Not just any show, the show."
"Ah here we go." I sighed out, tiredly.
Eloise batted her eyes way too much at Chris who leaned even closer towards her still wearing a smirk.
"Don't mind Senoy. If it was up to him, he'd live like a total ingenué."
Since when does she use that word?
I faced Toby with a 'are you seeing this look?' and he just shrugged and popped his soda can open.
Before I knew Chris and Eloise were going back and forth in their favorite scenes of the Game of Thrones show. Which was a very long list.
But I didn't mind as she had completely sidetracked Chris from his inquisition, albeit flirtatiously.
Lionel stopped by and I was grateful he didn't bring up the issue with Ezra seeing as he'd somewhat seen the opening credits on Saturday.
I was relieved of the anticipation that originally seized me from the double History period I had after lunch.
Soon Chris and Eloise rejoined the company of us three and I could see her trying to hide the flush of color in her cheeks.
Uh oh.
Then, almost an hour later, a daunting shadow fell over our table from behind me, seizing laughter like a gremlin on Christmas.
Vetiver swarmed me through the haze of spices from the school kitchen.
"Hey man, done already?" Lionel asked with a playful quirk of his brows.
But the words that replied and chilled down my spine were, "Senoy, can I have a word with you...alone."
All their eyes flashed to me, my hands had stilled from picking at the lint on Lionel's sleeves.
The silence was pregnant with anxiety. Not just from me and I wondered at that.
My eyes went up to the clock above the entryway to the cafeteria.
Only five minutes more.
My face hardened and I saw, on turning to him, that he's tensed all over. Hazel eyes wide, imploring... as anxious as I was.
And for a brief second I was reminded of my dirty dream yesterday in the Moors.
I looked away, breaking the lewd reverie, "We said enough to each other last time. There's nothing left."
He leaned down and all but whispered with underlying threat that sent my body into overdrive.
"Yes there is and you know it. We'll talk now even if I have to toss you over my shoulder and carry you out of here."
My breath caught, gaping at him as the others probably were in shock of hearing him.
Why was none of them not speaking up for me?
Even opinionated Eloise and provocative Toby were startled speechless.
Oh yeah, the whole beloved and feared prince of Redwood thing.
At my hesitation Ezra growled lowly. "You can walk or I can carry you. I'm fine with both as long as we talk."
My jaws locked, eyes glowering with anger. "You wouldn't dare." I scowled at him.
He can't possibly make a scene in front of the entire school?
Ezra half smiled at me, as if reading my thoughts, but it doesn't do anything for the defiance in his eyes. I think I heard Chris gulp at my side.
"Oh baby, we both know I'm the daring kind of guy."
Did he just baby me? Everyone heard that, right?
I didn't register the surprise or elation at the endearment. But matched his glare with my own.
And then abruptly he grabbed my arm and pulled me effortlessly to my feet and in the swiftest motion clasps me around the thighs and lifts me.
Before I know it I'm tossed over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I shriek at him.
I look up and see the shocked faces of everyone in the cafeteria, whispers and mutters erupting through the cocoon of quietness.
Chris and Toby then burst out into laughter as Ezra strides out of the cafeteria through the door leading out to the campus.
Ignoring yet channelling my anger, I called for Angurvadal and in a flash of burning light, the sword is in my hand.
Without thinking I drove the blade through his shoulders, aiming not to slice vital points, just flesh wound that would heal but certainly hurt.
Ezra howled in pain and threw me to the ground but I already readied for it and rolled up to my feet, raising the sword between us.
He gaped at the obsidian black blade now dripping with his blood and then at me with utter shock. Blood spread out from the injury and staining his blue shirt darker.
"You stabbed me!" still too incredulous.
I glared at him. "I swear to God Ezra, take one step further and I'll make sure you don't walk for a week."
"What the fucking hell? I just wanted to talk." He shrugged out of his jacket and began pulling up his shirt to expose those delectable array of pectorals and abs.
"And I said I didn't want to. What the fuck is wrong with you? Just because you're some spoiled brat prince of the Agnate and can't take no for an answer doesn't give you any right."
The sword in my hand was resonating a clear melody, shimmering faintly with my anger.
All clear signs that it wanted to cause more anguish to Ezra.
The wound at the crook of his right shoulder was already healing.
"You're what's wrong with me, Senoy!" He hollered back at me.
"I have felt so terrible about... It was cruel of me to think that you would do something like that. I hated myself the second I realized what I was saying."
"I bet you did." I snorted, glaring at him.
"I'm serious. I can't sleep...can't eat..."
I cocked my head to the side still held my sword to keep him at bay.
"Is that supposed to incite sympathy from me? After what you said?"
"What the fuck do you want me to say? That I was beyond furious seeing Lionel touch you like that...like I've been meaning to do?"
He looked diminished and tired all of a sudden.
His eyes were saucer large in his face and I unconsciously released my hold of the sword which vanished back to my room.
"Or that I was scared...so fucking scared of what I feel every time I see you...every time you allow a touch."
He took a few steps forward, his hot gaze not leaving my face pleading.
My heart was speeding so wildly I thought it would burst from my chest.
"I didn't know what to think when I saw what you'd done to Benny and Paul. All I could remember was how deceptive the Fey are...How they lure and beguile effortlessly till the cage slams around you and then you see them for what they are, monsters."
"We're all monsters, Ezra. I've lived with bad ones if not the worst. I know what I am capable of but I would never-"
Ezra frowned at himself, clearing flummoxed whether at my stabbing him or something else.
"I know. I know, I'm just stupid sometimes."
I snickered and replied. "Only sometimes?"
A smile crossed his face, shaking off the despair from him.
Does he really feel this way about me?
"You're lucky I didn't find Excalibur in the ogre's cave or you'd be dead by now." I said with chin jerk at his pale scar, now a memory of the injury I'd given him moments ago.
"Wait you mean King Arthur's sword,  Excalibur?"
I rolled my eyes. "Unless, there's another legendary magical sword by that name."
And I turned around to leave, heading towards the quad for my bike. There was no way I'm going for History after the stunt Ezra just pulled.
I was still miffed with embarrassment from it.
"We have class, where are we going?"
"We?" I asked with raised brows.
He gave me a look and I just didn't have any more strength in me to fight him.
"Home. Since I can afford to miss one History class, I might as well go and continue looking for clues on the murders."
He nodded. "Good I could help."
I stopped in my steps and scowled at him. "No, you're leaving me alone. At least for today."
"But... I could at least give you a ride." He beamed as he patted the leather work of the Ducati seats.
I was reluctant. "C'mon I know you loved the last time we rode."
How the hell did he know that? He grinned victoriously and climbed the bike, glancing over at me with patient eyes.
"What about my bicycle? I can't leave it here."
He snorted. "Nobody in their right mind would steal that. I'll text Chris to bring it back for you."
I let the taunt on my bicycle slid past and climbed behind him, pushing back the thought that Margot had been here this morning.
But I couldn't. "I saw her on the way and I had to give her a ride. It was courtesy, Senoy."
The fuck did you know what I was thinking.
"I'm only getting on as long as you promise not to follow me into the Manor. I don't need anymore trouble."
Ezra hung his head in exasperation. "Fine. I have to go pick up the twins from their school anyway."
But I climbed on regardless with my arms wrapped around his taut abdomen and pressing myself to him.
"Not in this death machine, I hope."
"Definitely not." with a gasp of horror and he took off.
"Oh and nice hair." I flushed against his back and sent a thank you to Aina.

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