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"Oh? You're still here?" Someone asked behind me. I didn't bother to look back and just sighed. "I thought you got fired because you weren't here the whole day yesterday." Hyungkyun chuckled as he walked closer towards me. I didn't respond.

"What we're you doing anyway?" He leaned against my desk. Does he not have anything to do but bug me? I shook my head, "it was nothing really." I said and rested my cheek on the palm of my hand.

I didn't know why, but I felt like doing this. "What do you usually do to convince someone?" I asked. Hyungkyun was taken aback, I could tell from his reaction. "Are you really asking me?"

I just looked at him. "Aish." He scratched the back of his head in frustration and scoffed, "honestly it depends on the person. Everyone has a weak point. It just comes out naturally." He was half right. I don't know about the rest since it felt like he was just venting about something.

"And in fact, this is reminded me of.." yup, he is now rambling. I ended up not listening to his rant about some random person and started thinking. Yes, I was still bothered.

"Yeah, sure, it sucks to open up to people and make them feel bad but--" I stood up from my desk, eyes wide. "That's it." Hyungkyun gave me the most confused look, "what?" I grabbed my coat and ran outside of my office, taking the stairs down since the elevator was still filled with people.

I took out my phone and started dialing a number.

I opened the door and stumbled onto my knees the moment I arrived. "Mr Shin!" All the maids gathered around me and I saw Jiyeon by the dinning table, glaring at me. She stands up and walked right out of the mansion. I stood up from the ground and ran after her. "JIYEON!"

She ignores me.

I ran in front of her, my arms blocking the way so she doesn't escape. "Wait." I said, panting. "Lets talk." She looked around and hesitated. Jiyeon eventually just started walking the other direction.

"Jiyeon, please." I caught up to her pace. She clicked her tongue, "leave me alone, Shin." She folded her arms and continues to ignore me. "I want to hear your story!" I managed to yell.

Her eyes widened before turning back at me. "If you're mad, let it out on me. If you're going to cry, let it all out. If you want to hit me and scream, do it. I'm not leaving." Jiyeon doesn't look at me anymore.

"Did I do something wrong or something?" I asked. "You did nothing wrong. It's just bothering me that you're so committed to the idea of me working there." She folded her arms. "Your granddad asked me to do it. And as one of his employees, I at least have to try." Once again, she doesn't reply.

"Ever since yesterday when you reacted that way when I asked you about the vibes, I can't erase it from my mind now." I said. Jiyeon sighed, "is this some twisted way to get me to work at my granddad's business?" I shook my head, "I might be committed but I would never go that far." She gives me a look, scanning me. She slowly nodded, "fine. I'll tell you."

She led me towards this gazebo on their backyard and we both sat down. "Why do you even want to know?" She asked. "Because.." I took a deep breath, "I have a feeling I can somehow relate in a strange way."

She doesn't say a word for a while and just nodded. "I've had these vibes since.. forever. Explains why I'm so sensitive about it." Jiyeon seemed to be hesitating the whole time but I can't blame her. "But I wasn't paranoid like I am today. It all started with my grandma's business trip."

She chuckled, "you can probably tell what's gonna happen next." I noticed that tears were slowly forming on the corner of her eyes. "I was around ten at the time and it was time to say goodbye to my grandma."

It was raining lightly and the sky was dark even though it was 9am. "Jiyeon, your grandma is leaving in a while." Mariam said to me, entering my messy room. I smiled widely and ran downstairs, looking for grandma. Then my smile vanished when a sudden lightning struck. Bad energy filled my body and goosebumps surrounded me completely.

My grandma leaves her room and she gave me a shocked look, dropping her things on the floor and walking towards me, kneeling down to reach my height. "Jiyeon deary, what's wrong?" Without any words, I wrapped my arms around her and started to sob loudly. She wasn't sure what was going on either.

"Grandma please don't go to that business trip! It's dangerous today!" I yelled loudly. She chuckled and pulls away, wiping my tears with her thumbs, "oh Jiyeon, you're so thoughtful. That's what makes you so special." She landed a peck on my forehead but I didn't dare let her go. "GRANDMA PLEASE!"

She did nothing but smile lightly. "I'll be fine, Jiyeon." Granddad comes out of the room and I run towards him, "GRANDDAD, GRANDMA CAN'T GO TO THAT TRIP!" I yelled and cried to him. He picked me up and hushes me with a smile, "you're too cute, Jiyeon."

He grabbed grandma's things for her and headed out. I followed them and the feeling kept getting worse and worse. "PLEASE DON'T GO!" My granddad held onto my arm when grandma was heading inside a vehicle. She kisses me goodbye and my body never felt so weak and useless.

"And that was the last time I saw her." She said. I noticed that she was fighting the tears so much. "The plane she was riding crashed and..." her fists were clenched tightly on her lap and she broke down into tears. I had no right to comfort, hug, or anything. The only right I have is to listen. And somehow, I managed to feel guilty even though this is what I asked for.

I'm nothing but a coward.

"And ever since then, I've been listening to the vibes and avoid anything that lurks with bad energy."

"Does that explain your grandpa's business?" I asked. She nodded.

I took a deep breath, "I don't want you thinking that way. Life isn't always like that. You've only got one chance to live and you can't just hide somewhere in fear. Instead, live your life to the fullest, but I'm not telling you to kill yourself. It might have caused trauma in your life and it seems really unhealthy to me that you need to hide from bad vibes to avoid certain events from happening."

"Maybe you're confusing anxiety with the bad vibes you're talking about."

I was shocked she didn't yell or defend herself in anyway. "It would be fucked up of me to just plug in a 'you should definitely join the business. It's a fun place.' No, I'm not about that." I slowly stood up. "I'm just saying, if you want to enjoy your life and not live off fear, then go for it." I said and slowly started leaving.

At this point, I don't even care if I convince her or not. I just want to wake her up that she's not enjoying her life and is confusing bad vibes with natural human feelings. She's living off fear. I want to experience life like how it used to be. But I can't.


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