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It was a cold day. I remember it completely.

The leaves were getting darker and darker as time passed, the breeze was getting colder everyday. It was a great season to contemplate about your surroundings. No, not really.

Believe me, I wasn't at all like this. I used to be somewhat jolly, enthusiastic, always bright? That's what everyone said about me. But now I'm nothing but physically and mentally drained. I rarely smile and as time passed, I lost effort to care.

It was on my final year of high school. My life at that time was actually pretty good. My family wasn't broke, everyone in my life was healthy, I earned true friends. Literally everything was going great. Until that one tiny incident.

As this story continues, it's gonna sound more and more like an action movie of some sort. Anyways, I was staying up at my parents' place for the night because it was my finals and I needed to do my best. I didn't want to stay at my dorm where my roommates did nothing but distract me.

I remember the night filled with screaming, suffering, and possibly death? Dead inside that is.

My stomach grumbled and my mom had nothing in their pantry at that time so I decided to head out. It was about 2am and I was still wide awake. The night was beautiful and the weather wasn't too bad.

To save you some time, I retrieved the noodles successfully and left the convenience store. Normal, right? Not so. The more I walked, I heard numerous of footsteps echoing. I quickly turned and there wasn't anyone. I was aware that those weren't mine. I resumed walking, but my guard is up.

And I heard a gun reload. My eyes wide, my body started to shake. But my instinct was to continue walking and eventually run. The footsteps started getting faster and so did my pace. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" They yelled at me. I felt the gun pointing at me. My body continued to run and I heard a gunshot.

I started running as fast as I could, not turning back. Then I bumped into a car and the car was so fast, it drove over me before stomping on the breaks hard. My body felt nothing else but pain.

Blood dripped down my face and my mouth. My body was covered in blood. My ears were filled with ringing and my vision was blurry than ever. Loud sirens started to fill my eardrums then I eventually passed out. Completely.

And you might be wondering, "shouldn't you be dead by now?" That's what I thought as well. My eyes opened and I was inside a small room and I was lying down. When I say a small room, I mean a literal box. My breathing started to intensify and I started kicking on the walls. Then it hits me. "No.. it can't be.."

I started to hyperventilate, my eyes getting teary. I started kicking harder and harder then eventually, the coffin was filled with dirt, making it worse. My instinct was to dig myself up and it worked. Stupidly.

I looked around and realized that the cemetery was empty. I looked at the gravestone. "Lee Hoseok, died on August 22, 2011." My eyes widened.

I looked at myself then turned to the gigantic hole I caused. I fixed my mess and placed all the soil back inside like nothing ever happened. Then I started booking it. "I can't let anyone know." I told myself.

I changed everything. I changed my identity, location, basically everything in my current life is filled with lies. I've been lying to all my new "friends" telling them all these stories that 99% did not happen to me.

Lee Hoseok was my old name but now I'm just someone who's name is Shin Wonho. Luckily my family tree isn't that big so there is only a small chance of relatives spotting my face. I even moved. I work at Seoul, I'm twenty-five, I have an apartment, everything I need is here.

I thought it was stupid to live at the most busy part of Korea, but its the safest ironically. My family is quite.. countryside. If that makes sense. They aren't really into populated areas. Which is why Seoul is a great place to be at.

And that's basically all the reasons to my life right now. As much as I hate living (in general) like this, I have to.

Cause that's life. Even though I somehow managed to fuck life up.


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