"If you won't come out and surrender your weapons, you won't have these photos of Leopold" He took out photos of Butters, as Kenny's nose was leaking blood.

"Haha, it works!" I whispered, as Lucas replied with a mischeivous smirk on his face.

"What a pain" Craig said

"Perhaps, I even have photos of your Tweek as a reward for winning, my brother" He smirked again, as Craig's eyes widened, with a blush on his face.

"Boys, seperate!" Craig informed-whispered, as they nodded and ran out

"Damnit, we've lost them!" Token cursed

"Come on, chase your targets and just run!" Lucas informed, as we saluted and seperate in different paths once again


I was hiding behind the walls, seeing Craig walking slowly, inspecting the surrondings, luckily he doesn't spot me, until a certain blond approached to him.

"Craig, w- GAH! Where were you?!" Tweek yelled

"I was playing a water gun fight with my seme-friends" He answered, this is my time to shine!

I came out and was already reuploading my gun, until a voice said something

"Craig, Tweek, watch out!" Craig dodged, but Tweek wasn't listening, until he was splashed with water.

"Jesus Christ, I'm- Nngh! Fucking wet!" He yelled, as I let out an "Oops", I continously shoot water at Craig, but Craig dodged and shoot water at me, we continue the fight, water splashed on my clothes, as I put out a fake death scenario.

Craig cheered with victory, but suddenly got water shot by Stan, "Sorry, bro, but you're dead" He smirked

Craig was doing the same thing as me, while Tweek was poking at Craig's fake corpse, Stan walked out, Kenny zoomed in and approached to Craig's body.

"Bro, can you hear me?!" He yelled, shaking Craig, but he was already fake dead, Kenny let out a survival scream, "I will get that monster who murdered my homie!" He yelled once again, while walking out.

Red Team: Stan, Token, Lucas
Dead: Token

Blue Team: Craig, Kenny, Damien
Dead: Craig


I was hiding in a bush, looking at Damien who is pacing around the area, but still doesn't know where was I hiding. I've already set my trap and it was perfectly prepared for shooting.

I came out as I analyzed that he wasn't here, I keep inspecting but I accidently pulled into something as water splashed over me, I let out a fake faint as I lie in the ground.

Damien came out letting out a demonic laugh, "Looks like you've did it, Fucker Number Two" He smirked, as I let out no reply at all.

Red Team: Stan, Token, Lucas
Dead: Token, Lucas

Blue Team: Craig, Kenny, Damien
Dead: Craig


Me and Damien were running, and all is left is Stan Marsh, "Come on, Damien, I hope we'll get to find Stan!" I exclaimed

"Wait, isn't that my-" Lucas cut off by water splashing, I accidently slipped on to something and water came out of nowhere, the three knocked-out kids went to look and saw me covered in water.

"Aw, fuck it!" I cursed, while walking out, Craig and Token laughed

Lucas said, "Looks like my trap worked with great effort!" Feeling proud of his own trap, as Token and Craig clapped.

Red Team: Stan, Token, Lucas
Dead: Token, Lucas

Blue Team: Craig, Kenny, Damien
Dead: Craig, Kenny


Okay, Stan, this is it.

Its's Marshmellow and Demon Boy, aka Me and Him

Token, Lucas, Craig and Kenny were at the side, watching since they got disqualified

"Well, well, well; It's now me and you, Marsh" Damien said, as I let out a groan

"Not today" I whispered, as we begun shooting, I pulled the trigger but he dodged, he then aimed and then water starts splashing on my face.

This felt good, just fresh water, as the rest of the guys gasped

"Woah, I can't believe this" Kenny said in shock, while Lucas was analyzing this unexpectation, "But atleast we won, right Craig?" Kenny looked at Craig.

"Yep" He answered

Damien started throwing his gun at me but it didn't hurt, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, as all of us laughed, except Me and Damien.

Meanwhile with the ukes, they were watching their boys play, "Woah, Stan is awesome!" Butters complimented, as Kyle chuckled

"That's my Marshmellow" He smirked, as Tweek walked in, soaken wet

"You got rekt by Token?" Clyde asked, as Tweek nodded

"Yeah" He answered

"But the only funny part is that Ken tripped on Lucas' trap by accident and not Damien" Butters giggled

"Well, atleast Lucas is very clever with his schemes!" Kevin exclaimed, looking at his boyfriend

"I'm proud that Damien and his team won!" Pip squealed with joy

"Me and Tweek made a deal with Lucas about the photos as a reward for Ken and Craig" Butters explained, and on the other hand, Lucas was seen giving photos to Craig as Craig fell with blood on his nose.

Tweek giggled, while pointing to Craig, "Let me guess, you took a photo of your ass?" Kyle asked

"Yep" He snickered

~Extended Ending~

"Hey Honey!" I exclaimed, hugging my boyfriend's arm

"Hey Tweek" He smirked, as I notice something in his hand

"Were those photos of me?~" I teased, as he blushed, realized that he fucked up, as he fainted to the ground.

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