" Ion like sick." She sniffed.

" Me eitha'.... it's gon' get betta', daddy knows what to do to make ya' feel betta'." I assured her, smiling.

She nodded, laying her head on my shoulder. I stood up, then walked to the stove. Grabbing hot pot, I poured the milk in the cups. " Abrianna! Baybeh guh?! Was' takin' ya' so long?" I yelled.

" Why ya' so loud." Arianna huffed, sniffing. She grabbed on my shirt and blew snot in It then laid her head back down.

" Wh- baybeh. You really just blew yo' nose in ma' shirt. " I shook my head, chuckling. I couldn't even be mad bruh, baby girl was sick and she didn't have no napkin or nothing. Plus she ma' child, so I things like this happen.

" Momma ain't in thea'!" She yelled back, not to far away.

I frowned. " What you mean Lady bug ?" I looked at her, hoisting Arianna up more.

" Momma ain't up in thea'." She said, then sat back down on chair.

" What..?" I mumbled, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

Wya baybeh? Ion even know you left 😩 - 7:05pm
Read 7:06 pm

I waited for a reply, but I Never received one. She left ma' ass on read. Texting her once more, she did the same thing.

The fuck?

Letting her be Daejah, I left it alone. " Ya' sho' she left mama?" I asked.

She nodded. " Mhm... I checked er' whea'." She poured the chocolate syrup in her milk.

" I wonda' was' wrong." I mumbled. We been all good, these past couple of days... so ion know what tha' problem is. I grabbed the chocolate syrup from Abrianna cause she was going over board wit' it. I gave her a spoon so she could mix it in. " Peanut you don't want to do this?" I asked, sitting her down next to her sister.

She shrugged lousy. " I'll do it."

" Was' wrong witcha sus?" Abrianna asked,looking at her.

" Ion feel to good."

Abrianna hugged her sister. " You gon' get betta', if ya' sick, then imma be sick right along witcha!" We all smiled. Their sibling goals, for sure. I need them to stay like this exspecially when they get older.

After they made their hot chocolate, we went into the movie room. I made some popcorn while the twins figured themselves out.


" Daddy." Arianna whined. " It hurts." She cried, kicking her feet in my arms.

" Calm down, baybeh. You dont wanna wake up yo' sista'." I whispered, trying to get her to calm down.

" I can't! !!! Make it stoppp!" She yelled from the top of her lungs as tears streamed down her face. As the night progressed, the more her fever did. It was know worsening and I didn't know how the hell to get her to go to sleep or get her to calm down. She been crying for a good 15 minutes straight, I didn't know what to do. I was about to go to crazy, Daejah needa come home. It was 9 going on 10 and she still haven't answered my calls or text.

She better not be with that nigga Marcel.

" Ya' nose stopped up?" I asked, picking her up. She nodded, rubbing it, more snot getting on hands. " Okay, please stop crying. I'm about to go get this thing for you, so it could help you go to bed."

Arianna sniffed. " Okay daddy." She murmured.

Getting up, I ran to one of the main closets. Finding the vaporizer, I hurried my ass back into the movie room. I plug it in, turning it on. I grabbed a sheet, along with Arianna. Sitting next to the vaporizer, I put the sheet over us so It could work better. Arianna crying seized. I smiled, leaning my head on the wall. She grabbed onto my shirt tightly, closing her eyes. Soon falling asleep. After she was sleep for about 5 minutes, Abrianna came under the sheet, and went back to sleep.

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