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Ralph shivered.
"U good girl?"
He looked up to see Jack.
"Shut up you frog. Haha you have no power now that no one is afraid."
Jack looked hurt. "Ok."
Ralph felt bad. But he didn't want to apologize because he's not a wuss.
Ralph looked away from Jack and instead slid over to sit by Samneric.
"Hey, thanks for making sure I didn't die last night. You two saved my life bro."
"Bro, you're so welcome." The twins said at the same time.
Jack looked on jealously.
"Why am I so mad about people talking to Ralph? it's not like I own him or anything." Jack pouted.
Ralph turned around. "Huh? Qué pasa, Jack?"
Jack laughed. "Nothing, you loser."
Ralph rolled his eyes and turned back around, sitting with Sam and Eric while Jack was sitting with his old tribe, all of them frowning at him.
"Ralph, didn't you say a long time ago you thought you had feelings for Jack?" Eric asked.
Ralph turned red. "Not so loud, Sam"
"I'm Eri-"
"Okay." Eric was silent for a moment.
"So, is it, true, o-"
"Oh my god, SHUT UP!" Ralph screamed at the top of his lungs.
Jack whipped around to stare right into Ralph's soul. "What the hell did you just say to me?"
"Nothing, you thot." Ralph pointedly turned away from him.

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