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Jack and Ralph flinched away just in time in super speed, acting as if nothing ever happened.
They both were blushing, but Obama didn't notice.
"Ralph, we found a place for you to stay. You're going to stay with Jack and his parents. All your relatives killed themselves. You good?"
Ralph was still distracted by the thought of Jack, but he nodded absentmindedly, now excited for the future.
"Alright. Ralph, we'll drop you off first at your house to pick up any stuff you need to live. Then Jack and you will go to your new house. Still good?"
Ralph grinned, looking over at Jack with a knowing look.
"Aw yeah, I'm good with that."
"Ok bro."
"BRO. Obama we're bros?"
"Always and forever."
Ralph jumped up and gave Obama a bro hug.
"Jack, you're a bro too."
"Bro," Jack stood up and did a bro handshake with Obama.
"Let's go bros."
In the helicopter ride, Jack and Ralph sat next to each other. They kept their eyes off each other but obviously they still had each other on their minds.

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