Chapter 9

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I have to do what?! I shriek in terror. You see I've been growing my hair out and now I'm told they are going to have to shave my head to get the tumor. I guess I could donate it, but the thought never came across my mind that I would have to shave my head. After a while I was fine with it. I can put the bennies from shopping in Santa Monica to use.

So I called Matt and we talked and hang out for a while. Then went to Taco Bell during happy hour so we got to Mt. Dew slushies ahhh those were the best. As we slurped be couldn't stop giggling because we kept getting brain freezes. It was the best so I totally forgot about the hair thing. The next thing i knew we were home. It is amazing how being in love helps all your little problems and make them go away. I can't believe I'm with Matt it feels like just yesterday I was day dreaming about him in class but I know this is real because every time we touch I feel something real and remember how hard I fell. I'm so thankful for Matt it probably would have saved my social life so now I have a lot of friends Matt let me release my shyness and insecurities and now I'm outgoing and crazy and I'm so happy I'm with him I could write him a paragraph of text messages and now I finally know what to say:



And he responded:



And so on. we texted for hour and it felt so good to release all my problems and yes it was the best talk/text to Matt. I really love him. That smile, the laugh, the humor, the face, the sweetness, the kindness, and the sexyness.

I checked in with Lexi and Taylor and they were doing great. I miss her more and more everyday but Matt seems to ease the pain it's great to get that feeling I'm just afraid I might lose it sooner or later. I pick later. Actually I pick never! Anyway I hope we will last forever. I know we can. We have to. I mean we love each other enough and we strive and long to be with each other almost every day. We are going to make it. We have to. I know we will. For sure.......

The next couple days went by so fast it was a blur I remember veag (idk how to spell it) running falling hospital. But I think I have all the information to piece it together.

So apparently I went on a run and got dizzy and fell and a kind man helped me and called the paramedics and got me away in a second. And boom I was in the hospital on air support and had trouble breathing and got a huge gash that was bleeding on my forehead which eventually was stitched up. But they said I had to get the tumor removed before anything else occurred so they have to shave my head as fast as today so here I am waiting in the salon to get 12inches off and get the rest shaved off.


Hey guys long time no write..... anyway I'm so sorry this was so short it took forever to update I got stuck but think I got it figured out but any who 151 reads yessssss!!!!!!! I'm so excited and ya so you guys are the best and I love you and want know if you even read these if you do comment any way bye


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