Chapter 5

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How is this even fair! that's right it's not! I mean she's like my only friend. Besides Matt I'm a loner. This sucks buttholes!

Well I helped her pack and load the car. That was when I when I started to tear up. Then I started to ball when she said goodbye.

All though I only knew her for about 5 months but we were like sisters. I told her anything and everything. Mist if all we talked about Matt.


WTF man why just when I thought I had a friend. I was always an outcast in every school. We were really close from only a short amount of time. This always happens to me!

The other problem is that I was going to ask Taylor out but I can't now I'm just going to text him my feelings so it was a very long text.

And this is what I said, "Well I've always kinda thought you were cute, so ya. As you may already know I'm moving so I decided to tell you all my feelings I'm sorry this might be a little awkward but I'm sorry I have to do this. This isn't what I would usually do but under these circumstances I thought it would be okay. Ummm I really like you like a lot but I've never had the nerve to talk to you. I don't even know if I exist. And BTW I'm not a stalker I'm Kennedy's friend so I got it from Matt I hope it was okay. I just wanted to say I really like you so ya."


OMG she likes me? What I really like her like a lot and I'm super sad that she's moving and of course I know her. You know how much I talk about her right? I texted Matt.

And this is what I texted her, "Meet me at Taco Bell we need to talk! S.O.S! I was going to tell her about my feelings after she left. Ya I know it's messed up and stuff but I didn't have the guts.


"GET SOME BOY!" I texted him. He laughed and did the 😏 face. I was proud of Taylor even if it took this long. He would obsess over her and talk about her beauty all the time. It got annoying after I while but I'm proud of him.



Hi Taylor Lexi said kinda jumpy. She was really scared what he would say. She was going of apologizing and stuff and then he just took her hips and started kissing her. She was so happy and over excited. Their lips moved in sync.



I was with Matt while he was comforting me through this rough time in my life. It was really nice of him he is so sweet I just am in love with him so I whispered into his ear that I loved him and he said the usual as we fought romantically about how much we loved each other. It was the best! With all that said we kissed. it wasn't a disrespectful kiss it was sweet like every kiss should be like. He is the sweetest person alive.It was the bestest thing I ever experienced. Ya I know ''bestest" isn't a word bit it fit to that perfect day. Ever since I met Matt and Lexi everyday has been perfect, and that might come to an end but I don't want it to! I totally forgot that I was in California because I've had so much fun it just want fair!



I am completely in love that was the nicest way to tell me to shut up. I'm so unhappy it's not fair I have to move and I'm totally in love with Taylor and have to move far away from him. Of course this happened to me is that fair? I don't think so! I hate this! This isn't fair it sucks buttholes like Kennedy said before! I hate this!!!

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